- Don't you remember our classmates, Huang Pi and Chiang Meng-t'i? 咱们同亘的黄璧、蒋孟是,你不记得么?
- Hsiao FY, Huang WF , Tsai YW.Quality Variation of Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Upper Respiratory Infection. 曾忆如、黄文鸿:儿童单一积液性中耳炎诊断之处方型态合理性探讨。
- Astragalus maowenensis Hsiao, mss. 茂汶黄芪
- Elva Hsiao and Huang Xiao Ming sings Better City Better Life for the upcoming 2010 Shanghai Expo. 2010年上海世博的MV,由内地第一小生黄晓明及台湾艺人萧亚轩合作!...
- Hsiao Yang pranced away to find his large friend. 小羊快跑去找他的大朋友。
- Such was the view of Chiang Kai-shek and company. 这是蒋介石等人的意见。
- They also disapprove of Chiang Kai-shek's policies. 他们也不赞成蒋介石的政策。
- Chiang Kai-shek was never able to unify China. 蒋介石就从来没有统一过中国。
- The Reds had captured a few Chiang's airplanes. 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石的飞机。
- Chiang Kai-Shek tours the National Palace Museum. 蒋公巡视故宫博物院。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。
- This picture shows the Chang Chiang Naval Battle. 本图显示长江海战情形。
- When did Chiang Kai-shek Become the "President"? 蒋介石是哪一年做"总统"的?
- Please connect me with Mr. Huang. 请黄先生听电话。
- We shall judge Chiang by his future actions. 我们将于蒋氏今后的行动表现中考察之。
- Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996). 黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。
- Being vain, Chiang could not change. 由于虚荣,蒋无法改弦更张。
- Hello. This is George Richter. I'd like to speak to Mr. Huang, please. 喂,我是GeorgeRichter。我想跟黄先生讲话。
- Chiang, S., Tachikawa, Y. and Takara, K. (2003). 李光敦,江申,施汇铭,杨其铮(1999).
- Hsiao, P.-T. Lin, K.-A. Hsu, H.H. Chi, W.-R. Huang, S.-T. Shen, J.-C. and Chiu(1991) Petroleum appraisal on Tungyintao basin. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 26, 183-213. 萧宝宗、林国安、罗仕荣、徐祥宏、纪文荣、黄旭灿、沈俊卿、邱仲信(1991)东引岛盆地油气潜能评估。台湾石油地质,第26号,第183-213页。