- We are sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea. 我们正在远航,我们正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我们的港湾。
- I am sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea. 我正在远航,我正在远航,再一次穿越大海,航向我的港湾。
- Home again across the sea 穿过海洋就是家乡
- Mike longed to do something for the people across the sea. 迈克期望能为海外的人们做一些事情。
- In the past, letters from across the sea were like angels' visits. 从前,越洋而来的信件是稀罕的,有如天使来访。
- He will write to a friend across the sea. 他将要给一个国外的朋友写信。
- I am sailing, I am sailing. Home again 'cross the sea. 我在航行,我在航行。穿过大海,奔向家中。
- He came from France, a country across the sea. 他来自法国,一个海那边的国家。
- My heart is homesick today for the one sweet hour across the sea of time. 今天我的心是在想家了,在想着那跨过时间之海的那一个甜蜜的时候。
- Ships go sailing far across the sea. 轮船开始远航
- Beyond or coming from across the sea. 大洋彼岸的在海洋那一边的或从海洋另一边来的
- My craft across the sea of life. 帮助我的木筏横过生命的海洋。
- Glorious, to walk again across the savannah with my beloved. 光荣的,与我的爱人再次走过大平原。
- Spring was coming on again across the earth like a light sparkle of waterspray. 春天又回到大地上,象轻微微亮晶晶的水花。
- A laboratory experiment has revealed that the tiny turtles are born with the ability to "detect" the magnetic fields which help them to navigate the 8,000 miles across the stormy Atlantic Ocean and back home again. 一项实验揭示了小海龟出生时便具有“侦查”磁场的能力。这可帮助它们航行8,000里,穿越多风暴的大西洋海域,安然返家。
- He came from France,a country across the sea. 他来自法国,一个海那边的国家。
- Across the sea, a pale moon rises. The ships have come to carry you home. 穿过海洋,一轮月亮就会升起来。这条船就会把你带回家。
- It'll be good to get back home again. 能重新回到家里一定会很愉快的。
- One sweet hour across the sea of time. 横渡时间之海的甜蜜一刻。
- He sailed across the sea to America. 他渡海到美国去。