- Hirundo tahitica n. 洋燕
- Un hirundo ne alportan printempo. 一燕不成春.
- A widely distributed bird (Hirundo rustica) that nests in barns and caves and has a deeply forked tail, a dark-blue back, and tan underparts. 家燕:一种广泛分布的鸟(家燕),在谷仓或洞里筑巢,有深叉状尾,深蓝背部和褐色下部
- A widely distributed bird(Hirundo rustica) that nests in barns and caves and has a deeply forked tail, a dark-blue back, and tan underparts. 家燕:一种广泛分布的鸟(家燕),在谷仓或洞里筑巢,有深叉状尾,深蓝背部和褐色下部
- The amount of wetland bird community was the highest,up to 126.11 ind. /km,among which Hirundo rustica,Botaurus stellaris,Anas poecilorhyncha,Ardea cinerea accounted for 56.51%. 湿地鸟类群落的数量也最高;达126.;11只k/m;其中家燕(Hirundo rustica)、大麻开鸟(Botaurus stellaris)、斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)和苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)4种鸟的数量占56
- An analysis of importance value indicated that 6 species, i.e.Ardeola bacchus,Egretta garzetta,Apus affinis,Hirundo rustica,Hirundo daurica,Pycnonotus sinensis, were the most important species. 重要性值分析表明,最重要的种类有6种,即池鹭、白鹭、小白腰雨燕、家燕、金腰燕、白头鹎。
- Based on the research of stomach contents, it has been shown that54.5% of the common insect-eating or carnivorous, such as Cuculus,Picus, Dendrocopos, Upupa, Apus, Raparia, Hirundo, Phanicurus, lanius, Turdus, Phylloscops, Parus, etc. 根据176种鸟胃内含物检查的结果表明:有96种鸟类为普通食虫鸟或肉食性鸟类;占全部检查用鸟54.;5%25。
- An analysis of importance value indicated that 6 species, i.e. Ardeola bacchus,Egretta garzetta,Apus affinis,Hirundo rustica,Hirundo daurica,Pycnonotus sinensis, were the most important species. 重要性值分析表明,最重要的种类有6种,即池鹭、白鹭、小白腰雨燕、家燕、金腰燕、白头鹎。
- Breeding Ecology, Growth and Development of Hirundo rustica 家燕的繁殖生态及雏鸟生长发育
- Dominant species include Eurasian Tree-Sparrow(Passer montanus),Black-billed Magpie(Pica pica) and Barn Swallow(Hirundo rustica); (树)麻雀(Passer montanus)、喜鹊(Pica pica)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)为优势种;
- Leiocottus hirundo 燕平杜父鱼
- Blacicrura hirundo n. 灰呆足贝
- Sterna hirundo n. 燕鸥(燕鸥科)
- Scotoecus hirundo n. 中非宽吻蝠
- Hirundo 燕子是意大利研制的一种直升机
- Hirundo rustica n. 家燕
- Hirundo daurica n. 金腰燕
- Hirundo striolata n. 斑腰燕