- The transfer function of the hidden layer is Gaussian function. 输入层到隐单元层的传递函数采用高斯函数。
- The network is constituted of input layer,hidden layer and outputlayer. 网络由输入层、隐层和输出层组成。
- To determine the parameters of model on number of node in hidden layers, learning rate, coefficient of momentum. 通过反复试验,确定了隐含层节点数、学习速率、动量系数等模型参数。
- Equipment, interlayers and hidden layers specially made for concealing smuggled goods or articles shall be confiscated or demolished. 藏匿走私货物、物品的特制设备、夹层、暗格,应当予以没收或者责令拆毁。
- The backpropagation ANN model with one hidden layer is employed and there are 48, 25, and 3 nodes in the input, hidden and output layers, respectively. 本研究构建的神经网路输入端有48个节点,隐藏层有25个节点,输出端则使用三个节点表示欲辨识的各类车种,并以倒传递网路的学习过程训练网路。
- Third Step:Show the hiding layer. 步骤三:将刚才隐藏的一层显示。
- The selected text is actually contained in a hidden layer, separate from the document image. 所选文本实际包含在隐藏的层中,与文档图像是分离的。
- Secondly, ARS is used to reduct the neurons in input layer and hidden layer for optimizing BP Neural Network structure. 其次,在属性约简策略ARS基础上优化BP网络结构,约简BP网络结构输入层和隐层单元。
- The best model got is a MLP ANN with 14 input neuron, 15 neurons in hidden layer, and one output neuron. 得到最佳模式。其为一个三层的感知器结构:输入层为14个输入变数,一层15个神经元的隐藏层,输出层一个神经元。
- This setting will create a neural network model that does not contain a hidden layer, and that therefore is equivalent to logistic regression. 这样设置便可以创建不包含隐藏层的神经网络模型,从而使该神经网络模型与逻辑回归等效。
- Case studies show that the choice of the number of hidden layer node in certain range has not influence on the water quality evaluation result. 通过对某市不同水域水质评价及多个实例的检验分析表明 ,隐含层节点数在一定范围内取值对水质评价结果无影响
- Compare to other ANN modeling, the neuron number of the CNN hidden layer is few, and the ability of generalization of the CNN system is well. 与其它的ANN建模相比较,用CNN建立的模型的隐层神经元数量少,系统的泛化能力强。
- Hint: To have any layer absent from the saved SWF files, you can hide layers in the Timeline Tab, Save As a new SWF and export the frames of this new SWF. 提示:在保存的SWF文件若包含所有的层;可以在时间轴选项隐藏层;保存新的SWF文件并导出该SWF文件的帧.
- The method is verified and exemplified, and the influence of the number of links in the hidden layer of network on final result is analyzed. 用一实例对提出的方法进行了验证,分析了网络隐含层节点数对判定结果的影响。
- This is because the only parameters that are adjusted in the learning process are the linear mapping from hidden layer to output layer. 这是因为唯一在学习过程中被调整过的参数是那此从隐藏层到输出层的线性映射。
- In particular, when the number of neurons in hidden layer equals the number of training patterns, the global minima with zero cost functions are obtained. 一个特例是当隐层神经元的个数与样本个数相等时,就可以求得代价函数值为0的全局最小点。
- The RBF network configuration is formulated as a minimization problem with respect to the number of hidden layer nodes, the center locations and the connection weights. RBF网络的设计问题就是关于网络隐节点数和隐层节点RBF函数中心、宽度和隐层到输出层的权值的性能指标的最小化问题。
- All hidden units in the last of the hidden layers are connected with units in the input layer. There are one or several nodal points in the output layer which generate output data. 隐含层最后一层的隐单元都与输出层的单元相连接。输出层含有一个或多个节点, 这些节点产生输出数据。
- The others three factors mension above have some effects on model. The best preprocessing methods of UTS, YS and ELO model are [0.1, 0.8], [0.01, 0.99] and [0.01, 0.99], and best hidden layers are single hidden layer with 10, 11 and 12 neurons. 镁合金抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率的数据预处理方式分别为[0.;1;0
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。