- Hedysarum jinchuanense n. 金川岩黄耆
- Hedysarum austrosibiricum B.Fedtsch. 紫花岩黄芪
- Hedysarum polybotrys Hand.-Mazz. [医] 多序岩黄芪
- Hedysarum austrosibiricum b. Fedtsch. 新疆红芪
- Hedysarum krassnovii B. Fedtsch. 昆仑岩黄耆
- Hedysarum polybotrys Hand. -Mazz. 多序岩黄芪
- Hedysarum polybotrys Hand. Mazz. 多序岩黄芪
- Hedysarum scoparium Fisch. et Mey. 花棒
- Sieb.et Zucc.[Hedysarum pilosum Thunb.;Desmodium pilosumThunb. 拉丁植物动物矿物名Lespedeza pilosaThunb.
- Hedysarum fruticosum (Pall) subsp.Laeve (Maxim.) B.Fedtsch. 库布齐沙漠,毛乌素沙地,宁夏河东沙地。
- To study the chemical constituents obtained from Hedysarum multijugum . 目的:对红花岩黄芪化学成分进行研究。
- Aim To study the chemical constituents of Hedysarum polybotrys Hand. 目的研究多序岩黄芪的化学成分。
- Conclusion In addition to medicinal effect,Hedysarum semenovii Regelet Herd also has a hi... 结论天山岩黄芪除能药用外,还有较高的营养价值。
- Objective To study the contents of 17 basic amino acids in Hedysarum semenovii Regelet Herd. 目的对天山岩黄芪中17种基本氨基酸的含量进行研究。
- Initially, Krakauer claimed McCandless might have ingested toxic seeds (Hedysarum alpinum). 但克拉考尔强调,饥饿并不是已被证实的导致麦坎德斯死亡的唯一原因。
- Abstract:ObjectiveTo provide reference for rational exploiting and utilizing the plant of Hedysarum Linn. 目的为合理开发利用岩黄芪属植物资源提供参考。
- Objective To provide reference for rational exploiting and utilizing the plant of Hedysarum Linn. 目的为合理开发利用岩黄芪属植物资源提供参考。
- Methods The contents of trace elements of Hedysarum semenovii Regelet Herd root were determined by ICP-AES. 方法应用电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱法对天山岩黄芪根中微量元素的含量进行测定。
- The genet characters and the ramet population characters of the rhizomatous shrub,Hedysarum laeve,in Mu Us Sandland were investigated. 通过对毛乌素沙地常见的豆科根茎灌木羊柴的基株和分株种群的调查研究,揭示植物的克隆生长的生态适应意义。
- Based on study of herbarium specimens and published materials on Hedysarum, present paper confirms the occurrence of Hedysarum austrosibiricum B. 摘要根据对标本的研究及文献资料的整理,证实了西伯利亚岩黄芪在中国的分布;