- Heavy Weapons Section 重武器组
- We bring heavy weapons to crush the enemy. 我们携重武器粉碎敌人。
- We're going to need heavy weapons. 我们需要重型武器。
- The heavy weapons platoon of each infantry brigade usually had 25. 每个步兵旅的重武器排通常有25人。
- Since we were unable to carry our heavy weapons, we had to leave them behind. 重装备带不走了,只能丢了
- Fortified positions, heavy weapons, communication facilities are the key targets. 坚固阵地,重武器,通信设施是主要目标。
- An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons. 舱中理货员主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员。
- You appeared in, percussion heavy weapons at monsters who say lament, and they disappeared. 你出现了,重重的武器敲击在怪物身上,一声悲鸣,它们消失了。
- In World War II, Davis had commanded a heavy weapons company at Guadalcanal and an infantry battalion at Peleliu. 戴维斯中校35岁,1938年毕业于乔治亚理工学院,在二战期间,他在瓜达康纳尔岛指挥过一个重武器连,在帕劳指挥过一个步兵营。
- Heavy weapons are useless in the houses, and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles. 且房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。
- Paw of the Bear : The character possesses great skill in wielding heavy weapons. 巨熊之掌:角色在重型武器的运用上得心应手。
- The Army should not be building its future around heavy weapons like the 70-ton Crusader howitzer system. 军队不应当把宝压在诸如70吨的“十字军”榴弹炮系统这样的重型武器上。
- Although you may never fire a heavy weapon, it is useful to be able to recognise them and learn the basics of their operation. 虽然你可能永远也不会用上一把重武器,但能够成功识别出它并了解它的基本原理仍然对你有好处。
- He wanted to leap from his chair and swing some heavy weapon and end this unequal fight. 他想要从椅上跳起来,抄起件笨重的武器,以结束这场并不势均力敌的争斗。
- Abandoned tanks and heavy weapons were scattered around the valley, which was pocked with mortar craters and denuded of trees and grass. 当时满布臼炮弹坑,没树也没草的山谷里,弃置许多战车与重型武器。
- Does not come with a heavy weapon as standard and one must be purchased making the basic Vyper the same cost. 重型武器不再是标准配备,必须花费相同的分数加装。
- Patria\'s core business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles and heavy weapon systems. 该公司的核心商务领域包括,装甲轮式车辆和重型武器系统。
- The military says in an effort to protect civilians it has stopped using heavy weapons and any reported shelling is being done by the LTTE. 斯里兰卡军队说,他们从三方面包围了猛虎组织,另一面是在海上,海军的船只在印度洋上巡逻把守。
- The use which CCF make of dug-in positions along the rocky ridge crests is frustrating of precision fire by the heavy weapons, including air power. 中共军队利用沿岩石山岭的岭脊布置堑壕阵地的办法不断挫败我军重武器和空军的精确射击。
- Intelligence shows Nakatomi is gathing heavy weapon at a research facility. Investigate immediately. 智能现实中臣财团在一个研究所收集重武器,立刻去调查。