- I think he' d never stoop to stealing. 我认为他不至堕落到偷窃的地步。
- I think he'd never stoop to stealing. 我认为他不至堕落到偷窃的地步。
- I think he would never stoop to stealing. 我认为他不至堕落到偷窃的地步。
- He'd never stoop to steal. 他决不会堕落到偏巧的地步。
- He would never stoop to conciliate. 他决不屈就和解。
- He would never stoop to conciliate . 他决不屈就和解。
- I would never stoop to cheating. 我可决不至于下贱到骗人的地步。
- I wouldn't stoop to stealing money. 我不会堕落到去偷钱。
- I could never stoop to such conduct as that;I should consider it beneath me. 我绝不会降低人格去干那种事,我认为我不屑于此。
- He has stooped to stealing money from his parents. 他堕落到偷他父母的钱。
- I could never stoop to such conduct as that; I should consider it beneath me. 我绝不会降低人格去干那种事,我认为我不屑于此。
- He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low. 他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做出这种低级的事。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。
- I don't think he would stoop to such behaviour! 我认为他不会堕落到如此恶劣的行为。
- Speak to her? I'd never lower myself. 跟她说话?我可不自贬人格。
- He was driven by necessity to steal. 他迫不得已而偷窃。
- The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it. 猫可以是人们最好的朋友,但它自己却不肯屈尊承认这一点。
- He was not without a certain affection for his job too, but he would never stoop to fawning on his employer in the way Mo Kan-cheng did. “敬业乐业”的心思,他未始没有; 但强要他学莫干丞那班人的方法博取这位严厉的老板的欢心,那他就不能。
- He has to stoop to get through the tunnel. 他得弯下腰走过地道。
- If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱。