- Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 空中花园的巴比伦,其中的世界七大奇观。
- The Great Wall,like the Pyramids of Egypt,the Taji Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon,is one of the great wonders of the world. 我们生活在一个文化和语言都很多样的世界,因此,文化交流和互助理解是构建和谐友爱的世界基础。
- In Mesopotamia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 在美索不达米亚,则有世界七大奇迹之一的巴比伦空中花园。
- The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the Seven Wonders of the World in ancient times. 黛安娜神殿和巴比伦空中花园是古代世界七大奇观之中的两个。
- Large Buddhist temple located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is a type of construction, unique appearance. 位于大佛寺附近,是一座巴比伦空中花园式建筑,外形独特。
- Spreading plants hanging over the sides of the terraces led to the name “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon”. They were destroyed by an earthquake around the first century B.C. 遍布的植物悬挂在了梯田两侧,故得名“巴比伦空中花园”。他们被大约发生在公元前一世纪的一场地震给毁坏
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon (also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis) and the walls of Babylon (present-day Iraq) were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 巴比伦的空中花园(也被称为塞米拉米空中花园)和巴比伦的城墙(今伊拉克)被认为是世界七大奇观之一。
- The other original seven wonders of the ancient world were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; the Statue of Zeus at Olympia; the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. 原七大奇观还有巴比伦空中花园、林匹亚宙斯像、弗所阿提密斯神殿、索洛斯墓庙、德斯岛巨像和法洛斯灯塔。
- It was the "holy city" of Babylonia by approximately 2300 BC, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BC.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 在这平原上发展了世界上第一个城市,颂布了第一部法典,流传最早的史诗、神话、药典、农人历书等,是西方文明的摇篮。
- Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园
- "the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (a series of landscaped rooftop terraces on a ziggurat, ascribed to either Nebuchadnezzar II or the semilegendary Queen Sammu-ramat)," 巴比伦的空中花园,位于塔庙顶上的一连串经美化的屋顶露台,由尼布甲尼撒二世或半传奇的萨穆-拉玛特女王所建;
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园(遗址)
- Famous for its “wondrous” hanging gardens, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests. 古巴比伦位于今伊拉克共和国境内。这座美索不达米亚平原孕育出来的城市因其令人惊叹的空中花园而世界闻名。
- Babylon Famous for its “wondrous” hanging gardens, the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon had as turbulent a history as its location in present-day Iraq suggests. 古巴比伦位于今伊拉克共和国境内。这座美索不达米亚平原孕育出来的城市因其令人惊叹的空中花园而世界闻名。
- Please help me clear the garden of these stones. 请帮我清除掉花园里的石头。
- There is a bar on the roof garden of the hotel. 饭店屋顶平台上有一个酒吧间。
- A depth of ten feet;the Garden of Eden. 十英尺的深度;伊甸园
- A native or inhabitant of Babylon or Babylonia. 巴比伦人巴比伦城或巴比伦王国的居民或本地人
- Life is no garden of Eden at the moment. 现时的生活并非世外桃源.