- The turnover of Hang Seng Index Options also decreased to 2 892 contracts a day in 1999,compared with 3 234 in 1998,representing a decrease of 11 per cent. 恒生指数期权平均每日交投量,亦由一九九八年的3234张跌至一九九九年的2892张,跌幅为11%25。
- The turnover of Hang Seng Index Options also increased to 2 947 contracts a day in 2001,compared with 2 202 in 2000,representing an increase of 34 per cent. 恒生指数期权的平均每日交投量亦由二零零零年的2202张,增加至二零零一年的2947张,升幅为34%25。
- The turnover of Hang Seng Index Options also decreased to 2 892 contracts a day in 1999, compared with 3 234 in 1998, representing a decrease of 11 per cent. 恒生指数期权平均每日交投量,亦由一九九八年的3234张跌至一九九九年的2892张,跌幅为11%25。
- The turnover of Hang Seng Index Options also increased to 2 947 contracts a day in 2001, compared with 2 202 in 2000, representing an increase of 34 per cent. 恒生指数期权的平均每日交投量亦由二零零零年的2202张,增加至二零零一年的2947张,升幅为34%25。
- Overreaction in Hong Kong Hang Seng Index Option Market 香港恒生指数期权市场的过度反应现象研究
- Hang Seng Index Options 恒生指数期权
- In the domain of securities and futures, EFS provides the dealing of Hang Seng Index Futures, securities of the world's major stock markets, options and other derivative products. 有鑑于国际金融市场之发展趋势,集团致力辅导各地投资者对世界金融市场的认识,现诚意招揽策略性合作伙伴。
- The Hong Kong Hang Seng index chart is dominated by trading bands. 香港恒生指数图以交易带为主导。
- At present, the trading of the Hang Seng Index (HSI) 33 futures and options contracts which account for over 90 per cent of all the trading volume of the HKFE is conducted in an open outcry environment. 目前,恒生指数33期货和期权合约的交易占期交所总交投量逾九成,交易在公开叫价的环境下进行。
- At present,the trading of the Hang Seng Index (HSI) 33 futures and options contracts which account for over 90 per cent of all the trading volume of the HKFE is conducted in an open outcry environment. 目前,恒生指数33期货和期权合约的交易占期交所总交投量逾九成,交易在公开叫价的环境下进行。
- Units in TraHK can be created or redeemed in kind by delivery or receipt of baskets of Hang Seng Index Shares. 投资者可通过实际交付或收取一篮子恒生指数股份,新增或赎回盈富基金单位。
- The Hang Seng Index reached 16 962 at the end of the year,or about 69 per cent higher than in 1998. 恒生指数年终收市报16962点(较一九九八年年底上升69%25)。
- The Hang Seng Index shed309 points, or2.74 per cent, with property and banking stocks bearing the brunt. 恒生指数下跌309点或百分之2.;74,地产股和银行股首当其冲。
- On the 22nd Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and the index of state-owned enterprises rose slightly lower. 22日香港恒指与国企指数略冲高回落。
- The Hang Seng Index kept hitting new highs as new share floatations were heavily subscribed. 生指数屡创新高,新股上市认购情况亦迭创佳绩。
- The Hang Seng Index suffered its second-largest points fall yesterday as stock markets plunged across Asia. 恒生指数昨日创下历来单日第二大跌幅,亚洲各地股市亦全面大挫。
- The Hang Seng Index (HSI) was locked in a tight range of between 19,810 and 20,790 in April. 恒生指数4月份被锁定在19,810到20,790的狭窄区间内。
- The Hang Seng Index reached 16 962 at the end of the year, or about 69 per cent higher than in 1998. 恒生指数年终收市报16962点(较一九九八年年底上升69%25)。
- By contrast, the blue-chip Hang Seng index jumped 323.74 points, or 1.6 per cent, to 20,430.16. 相比之下,代表蓝筹股的恒生指数则飙升323.;74点,收于20430
- The Hang Seng Index shed 309 points, or 2.74 per cent, with property and banking stocks bearing the brunt. 恒生指数下跌309点或百分之2.;74,地产股和银行股首当其冲。