- Haliotis rufescens Swainson n. 红鲍螺(翁戎螺超科;鲍螺科)
- [14]XU G L,LAO Z,YANG X L.Ecological habit and economic value of Haliotis rufescens and Haliotis fulgens[J].Journal of Tropical Oceanography,1989,3:75-81. 许国领;劳赞;杨小立.;红鲍和绿鲍生态习性及其经济价值
- C.)(G.) Alchornea rufescens Franch. 青奓包叶(H.
- George Shearing(piano), Louis Stewart(guitar), Neil Swainson(bass), Steve Nelson(vibraphones), Dennis Mackrell(drums). 演奏/演唱: 希尔林五重奏组/The New George Shearing Quintet.
- Robert Swainson, a 19-year-old student at Warwick University of England, who was one of the first 3,000 people to sign up on the Dreamcast website. Robert Swainson 是英国warwick大学一名19岁的学生,也是首批访问Dreamcast网页的3,000网民之一。
- An abalone,especially of the species Haliotis tuberculata,found chiefly in the Channel Islands. 鳆鱼一种主要发现于英吉利海峡的鳆鱼,尤指属结节鲍。
- The cDNA library of the liver and kidney from the Vibrio anguillarum-infected Haliotis discus Hannai was constructed. 用鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)人工感染皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus Hannai),取等量肝和肾组织混匀,Unizol提取总RNA。
- Haliotis diversicolor is the main breed in the south of China. It has high value in economic and medicinal properties. 鲍鱼是我国南方海珍品的主要养殖种类,具有较高的经济价值和药用价值。
- The Toxic Effects of the Dipterex on Juvenile of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta and Euterpe sp. 敌百虫对九孔鲍稚鲍和真猛水蚤的毒性作用
- John Swainson, CA Inc. president and CEO, realizing what was fun to watch when he was at IBM Corp. for 26 years is now his main issue as head of CA. (Oct. 12. 我知道CA和客户关系上有点问题,做为一个CA的多年竞争对手我知道那是他们的一个软肋。
- At that time, I see Haliotis total there are feelings in his question, I have expressed the concern. 那时鲍总看出了我有心事,在他的追问之下,我说出了顾虑。
- The digestive system of 45 day-old abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino is studied by histological method. 摘要以组织学方法研究了45日龄皱纹盘鲍的消化系统。
- Bacteria in abalone Haliotis diversicolor farming environment was found to be associated with abalone diseases. 摘要2004年11月,自海南西岛的鲍养殖水体中分离出90株菌株。
- In this paper,we studied the tolerance of Haliotis diversicolor Reeve to high temperature or low salinity. 研究了在突变和渐变两种情况下,杂色鲍对高水温、低盐度的耐受性。
- An abalone, especially of the species Haliotis tuberculata, found chiefly in the Channel Islands. 鳆鱼一种主要发现于英吉利海峡的鳆鱼,尤指属结节鲍
- Cui , L . B. , C. L . Liu , X. Liu and Y. H. Lu 2001a Cell types and secretion of the digestive gland of Haliotis discus hannai Ino. Acta Zool . [崔龙波;刘传琳;刘迅;陆瑶华2001a皱纹盘鲍消化腺细胞类型及分泌产物.;动物学报47(1):32
- Cui , L . B. , C. L . Liu , X. Liu and Y. H. Lu 2001b Structure and function of mucous epithelium of the intestine in Haliotis discus hannai Ino. [崔龙波;刘传琳;刘迅;陆瑶华2001b皱纹盘鲍肠粘膜上皮的结构和功能.;动物学报47
- The survival rate is 31% higher than H.diversicolor supertexta and 30% higher than that of Haliotis diversicolor diversicolor. 成活率高了31.;7%25和30%25。
- Swainson laying out the challenges he and his team face in trying to rebuild shattered customer confidence in the company formerly known as Computer Associates , now rebranded just plain CA. (Oct. 12. 一个老让我们郁闷的事情是当你到客户那里,客户会向你哭诉一些噩梦,你问什么时候发生的,他们回答你93还是94年吧,我也不太记得了。
- Haliotis discus and Bao Bao Si Kong, commonly known as abalone, Bao Ke is in the high-quality varieties, said seafood-tops. 皱纹盘鲍俗称四孔鲍和鲍鱼,是鲍科中的优质品种,素称海味之冠。