- Grewia hirsuta n. 粗毛扁担杆
- Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora Hand.-Mazz. 扁担木
- Grewia biloba G.Don var.parviflora (Bunge)Hand.-Mazz. 扁担木
- Objective To screen the antibacterial constituents from Grewia biloba. 目的:寻找药用植物扁担杆的抗菌活性成分。
- Scientists said the animal, which they named Kiwa hirsuta, was so distinct from other species that they created a new genus and new family for it. 法国研究人员3月7日表示,潜水者在南太平洋水域发现了一种新的甲壳类动物。这种动物的样子和龙虾很相似,全身覆盖着如丝绸般的白毛。
- Uncaria hirsuta Havil. 毛钩藤
- Entelia;Grewia;Sparmannia. 扁担杆属。
- Indigofera hirsuta [hairy indigo] 刚毛木蓝
- Pueraria hirsuta auct. non Schneider [医] 葛
- sandhill kalmia (Kalmia hirsuta) 硬毛山月桂
- bilobed grewia root stem and leaf 娃娃拳
- Grewia biloba G. Don var. parvi flora 孩儿拳头
- Grewia latiglandulosa Z. Y. Huang et S.Y. Liu 阔腺扁担杆
- Isozyme study on sarcocystis hirsuta of cattle and water buffalo 黄牛与水牛的毛状肉孢子虫同工酶研究
- Anatomical and water physiological plasticity of Grewia biloba var. Parviflora leaf and secondary xylem 扁担木叶片和次生木质部解剖和水分生理特征的可塑性
- Preliminary Study on Germination Capacity and Desiccation-tolerance of Cassia hirsuta Seeds at Various Developmental Stages 毛决明种子不同发育时期发芽力和脱水耐性的初步研究
- chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia; Corchorus; Entelia; Grewia; Sparmannia. 产于热带和温带地区特别是东南亚和巴西主要是乔木和灌木;椴树属;棣棠;扁担杆属。
- chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia; Corchorus; Entelia; Grewia; Sparmannia 产于热带和温带地区特别是东南亚和巴西主要是乔木和灌木;椴树属;棣棠;扁担杆属
- Autophila hirsuta n. 毛隘夜蛾
- Bauhinia hirsuta n. 粗毛羊蹄甲