- Green-winged or Papuan King Parrot 绿翅或巴布亚王鹦鹉
- Lost dandelion flowers, the wind dance with the Maple Leaf Acacia, green wings, and shaking in this atmosphere where quiet. 失落的蒲公英花,随风起舞,伴随相思的枫叶,绿色的翅膀,也颤抖在这片肃静的气息里。
- Pop and Nan's back yard was a meeting place for white cockatoos, eastern rosellas, a galah or two and, on very special days, a pair of king parrots. 爷爷奶奶的后院是白凤头鹦鹉,东方玫瑰鹦鹉和一两只桃红鹦鹉的聚集地,偶尔还会有一对鹦鹉王。
- You see, it small head with a pair of long transparent shiny big eyes, a pair of small pipefish orange, light purple breast, green wings, a long blue tail, how gorgeous clothes ah! 你瞧,它又圆又小的头上长着一双透明发亮的大眼睛,一双橘黄色的小尖嘴,淡紫色的胸脯,翠绿色的翅膀,天蓝色的长尾巴,多么华丽的服装啊!
- The next bird flies overhead, and the pathologist looks at it, then looks through the pages of a bird manual, and says, "Hmmmm...green wings, yellow bill, quacking sound...might be a duck. 每天逛一逛,灌一灌,有益身心健康。早晨起来一桶水,饭前饭后一桶水,关键在于坚持,重点在于参与。没有钱的浪漫,我可以牵着你的手漫步在满布白沙的海滩;
- The next bird flies overhead, and the pathologist looks at it, then looks through the pages of a bird manual, and says, "Hmmmm ... green wings, yellow bill, quacking sound ... might be a duck. 第二只鸟飞过头顶,有福不在忙医生对着鸟类图谱看了看说:恩,绿色的翅膀,黄色的嘴,嘎嘎的叫声。。。应该是只鸭子。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。
- North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts. 北美的一种灌木,叶浅绿色,坚果有翅。
- Australian King Parrot n. 澳洲王鹦鹉
- The house was painted green outside. 这房子外部漆成绿色。
- This plant has green leaves throughout the year. 这种植物终年常青。
- The green fields came into sight. 一片绿色的田野展现在眼前。
- Amboina King Parrot n. 安汶岛王鹦鹉
- What will you do with these green crepe? 你用这些绿绉纱做什么?