- Graceful and elegant clothings 俨雅服装
- The luxury and elegant lobby accents grace and style of the hotel. 豪华、气派的大堂,尽显艺术魅力。
- Joanna has natural grace and elegance. 乔安娜具有自然的优雅风姿。
- The style of his penmanship is graceful and elegant without vulgarity,just as the style of the man. 他擅长书法,他的字自在飘逸,潇洒中蕴含着遒劲、脱俗,字如其人,画如其人。
- She was dancing lightly in the georgette skirt, which appears graceful and elegant. 她穿着柔姿纱的裙子翩翩起舞,显得格外轻盈飘逸。
- And the most important is Chiling Lin , the most beautiful , graceful and elegant girl that I've ever seen in the world! 最重要的就是林志伶啦,她是我所见过最美丽、最优美、最优雅的女生了!
- Why the bride in a wedding ceremony is always graceful and elegant with beauty in spite of her plebeian look in a real life? 因为爱情会使女人更加美丽,而家庭会激发女性潜在的母性,显示出不同于少女时代的想与他相守一生的坚定和想照顾呵护身边的人的决心。
- Classic, fashion, nature and harmony are what we always pursue.The products are naturally simple and unadorned, graceful and elegant. 经典时尚;自然和谐是舒爵一贯的追求.;产品充满自然的朴拙;厚重中不失优雅;典雅中蕴 尊贵!
- Overcoat of aosidi adopts the extremely good materials. Grace and steady colour showing the extraordinary and elegant tasty. 奥斯迪大衣选用质感极佳的面料,典雅沉稳的色彩更显幽雅不凡的品味。
- Her tallness was an added grace and beauty. 她的身高更增添了她的优美。
- Enjoy the ancient Greek-style’s gold and silver jewelry, gorgeous leather and elegant clothing, delicate and unique handicrafts, and the world-famous olive oil, for your shopping pleasure. 享受古希腊风格的金银珠宝、华丽典雅的皮质服装、精致独特的小工艺品,以及闻名世界的橄榄油所带给您的购物乐趣。
- She fancies elegant clothes and jewelry. 她热衷于高雅的时装和珠宝。
- This ruthenium-plated necklace with a bib-like triangle in Meridian Blue Crystal Mesh sits comfortably on the wearer with sheer grace and elegance. 这个钌的镀金项链,一个围兜样三角经络蓝色晶体网坐在舒适的佩戴与纯粹的风度和优雅。
- Coming from a humble background and hardship in early life never deterred her from becoming a lady of supreme grace and elegancy. 当今到底是什么能把国人心灵中最后的一点骄傲真扑扫荡得一干二净? 不幸的是这听起来已像是考古的人类学家问的问题 ---- 这物种已不复存在!
- Coming from a humble background and hardship in life never deterred her from becoming a lady of supreme grace and elegancy. 当今到底是什么能把国人心灵中最后的一点骄傲真扑扫荡得一干二净? 不幸的是这听起来已像是考古的人类学家问的问题 ---- 这物种已不复存在!
- The action was so graceful and inclusively benign. 这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。
- The design of the carpet is classic and elegant. 这些地毯图案设计得很典雅优美。
- A man's demeanor is high and elegant. 器宇高雅。
- I have in mind something slim and elegant. 我原先想要的是穿着苗条而优雅的衣服。
- Her movements were easy, graceful and efficient. 她的动作轻松,优雅,利索。