- Gnaphosa gracilior n. 细平腹蛛
- A closely related whitefish(C. gracilior) of the Lake District of England. 英格兰白鲑英格兰湖泊地区的一种极其相近的白鲑(英格兰白鲑)
- And the supply of the drug from nature resources, yew trees and African fern pine( Podocarpus gracilior Pilger), which are grow very slowly and contain only a small amount of taxol, is very limited. 并且它的自然资源---红豆杉和东非罗汉松(999年测知含紫杉醇)--都生长地十分缓慢,数量有限且其中有效成分的含量非常低。
- a closely related whitefish(C. gracilior) of the Lake District of England 英格兰湖泊地区的一种极其相近的白鲑(英格兰白鲑)
- Salix gracilior n. 细枝柳
- Gnaphosa campanulata n. 铃形平腹蛛
- Poa gracilior n. 荏弱早熟禾
- Gnaphosa chola n. 怒平腹蛛
- Lithacodia gracilior n. 亭俚夜蛾
- Gnaphosa hastata n. 矛平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa mongolica n. 蒙古平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa pengi n. 彭氏平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa potanini n. 波氏平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa dege n. 德格平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa fagei n. 费氏平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa inconspecta n. 欠虑平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa kansuensis n. 甘肃平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa kompirensis n. 金比罗平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa leporina n. 兔平腹蛛
- Gnaphosa licenti n. 利氏平腹蛛