- Glycymeris glcymeris Linnaeus n. 欧洲蚶蜊(笠蚶超科;蚶蜊科)
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- Linnaeus declared that each species had existed since creation. 林奈宣称,自从神造万物以后,这些物种就一直存在。
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- It was the best method best for Meretrix Linnaeus but not to the the Paphia... 而波纹巴非蛤并非如此,它最佳冷冻条件应该处于干冰冷冻和液氮冷冻条件之间。
- Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system. 在林尼厄斯确立这个系统之前,要说明植物之间的关系是一个复杂而陌生的事情。
- Study on the Isozymes of Ladino Trifolium repens Linnaeus and Other Six T. Repens L. 勒代诺白三叶与六个白三叶品种的同工酶比较研究。
- Binomial nomenclature A system of classification introduced by Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist, in which each species is given two names. 双名法:由瑞典植物分类学大师林萘创立的分类系统。
- Linnaeus sought to reveal what he saw as the divine order of the natural world so that it might be exploited for human benefit. 林纳斯一生致力于揭示自然世界的神圣秩序,并希望其能为人类服务。
- Linnaeus gave life to an organising hierarchy with kingdoms at the top and species at the bottom. 这种局面直到林纳斯首创了由“界”始、自“种”终的生物系统分类法后,才得以改变。
- Effect of freezing on the nutritious constituents of the Meretrix Linnaeus and the Paphia Undulata meat were studied. 研究了冻结对文蛤和波纹巴非蛤食品化学特性的影响。
- The paper studied the effects of frozen storage conditions on texture of Meretrix Linnaeus and Paphia Undulate . 以文蛤和波纹巴非蛤贝肉为实验材料,研究了不同的冻藏条件对其组织结构的影响。
- The results implied that Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus) is a kind of insect food with high nutritive value. 结果表明,东亚飞蝗是富含以上肪脂酸,具有高营养价值的昆虫食品资源。
- LINNAEUS's system, which was based on the number of stamens and carpels in the flower. 例如林萘的分类系统是建立在花的雄蕊和心皮的数目上的。
- Definition: Tokay Gecko is the dried body of Gekko gecko Linnaeus (Fam.Gekkonidae). 本品为壁虎科动物蛤蚧 Gekko gecko Linnaeus 的干燥体。
- The microstructure and mechanical properties of the shell of Conus betulina Linnaeus are investigated. 摘要对具有交错纹片结构的黄米螺壳进行压缩和三点弯曲实验。
- In 1759, Linnaeus’s student, Daniel Solander, traveled to England to promote the new system. 1759年,林尼厄斯的学生丹尼尔.;索兰德去了英国,以便进一步发展新的体系。
- Linnaeus simplified the naming of living things by giving each species a two-part scientific name. 林奈的命名简化生活的事情让每个物种有两部分的科学名称。
- The studies of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus on suspended flying and fat content in 1989 and 1996 showed. 通过1989、1996年对草地螟吊飞和脂肪含量的研究表明:(1)草地螟是迁飞性害虫。