- This agreement is subject to German law excluding the rules on conflicts of laws. Place of jurisdictions is Stuttgart. 该协议除与德国法律相抵出的条款外,适用德国法律。法律适用地为斯图加特。
- Upon the Merger, BW Bank was dissolved and merged into LBBW in accordance with German law. 银行按照德国法例被解散,并并入。
- However , from the system consistency and the law culture, it is more reasonable for our country to use Germanic law for reference and accepts the delegacy theory. 但从体系的连贯性和法律文化传承的角度讲,我国借鉴德国法的规定采纳代表说更为合理。
- The European Court of Justice has slapped down a German law protecting Volkswagen from takeover . 欧洲法院宣布德国一部防止大众公司被兼并的法律无效。
- The non disclosure agreement is subject to German law, exclusive jurisdiction is Chemnitz. 非公开协议是受德国的法律,专属管辖权是开姆尼茨。
- See B.S. Markesinis, A Comparative Introduction of the German Law of Tort(1986),P.63. 上一篇:侵权法上因果关系理论研究(中)下一篇:出卖他人之物与无权处分及其相关问题浅论
- "Action from norm" and "action from fact" are two key terms representing respectively the civil procedural notions in the Roman law legal system and the Germanic law legal system. “规范出发型”和“事实出发型”是分别作为代表罗马法系和日尔曼法系诉讼理念的关键词;
- Lorek, 41, is pinning his hopes for success on a German law which grants kidnap victims the right to state compensation. 41岁,他把成功的希望寄托在一项德国法律上,该法律保障绑架的受害者申请政府赔偿的权利。
- Last week the European Commission's directorate[1] for the internal market revived proceedings against an antiquated German law that protects sweeps against competition. 上周,欧盟委员会内部市场理事会再次对德国一部保护烟囱清洁工免受竞争的过时法律提起了控诉。
- Firms with so little equity have almost no ability to absorb temporary downturns or shocks, says Volker Beissenhirtz, an insolvency expert at Schultze & Braun, a German law firm. 德国律师事物所Schultze&Braunde的清算专家VolkerBeissenhirtz说,股本规模这么小的公司几乎无力吸收短暂的下滑和冲击。
- Firms with so little equity have almost no ability to absorb temporary downturns or shocks, says Volker Beissenhirtz, an insolvency expert at Schultze &Braun, a German law firm. 主要依靠当地银行一直被认为是个优势,因为普遍认为,银行眼光会长远些,对经济减缓也更加体谅,这比由外来公司操控的股市和债市的反复无常要强得多。
- I know you have to lip sync when you sing on TV and stuff (darn the German law! ) during one of your performances, have you ever had to yawn, cough, or sneeze..?? 我知道在你上电视或出席节目的时候必须得对嘴(该死的德国法律!)在演出过程中,你有没有忍不住打呵欠,咳嗽,或者打喷嚏...??
- Derived from the principle of "hand muss hand wahren" in Germanic law,bona fide gaining has been successfully incorporated into civil laws of all the countries. 善意取得制度起源于日耳曼法中的“以手护手”原则,现已得到各国民法的承认。
- With over 450 attorneys CMS Hasche Sigle is one of the leading German law firms and one of the founding members of CMS, an association of law firms with more than 2000 attorneys worldwide. 拥有450多名律师,CMSHascheSigle是德国领先的律师事务所以及CMS(律师事务所联盟,在全球拥有2000多名律师成员)的建立成员之一。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- Majority Shareholders'Duty of Faith in German Law 德国法上多数股东的忠实义务
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- English belongs to the Germanic group of languages. 英语属于日尔曼语系。