- Gentianella pygmaea n. 矮假龙胆
- Gentianella magellanica (Gaudich.) Fabris ex D.M. Moore 植物更多的照片这里可以看.
- Competition on growth between Juncellus serotinus and Sagittaria pygmaea was evident. 水莎草与矮慈姑两种杂草间也存在生态竞争关系。
- The corms in Sagittaria pygmaea is a form of vegetative reproduction and this species also produces seeds. 矮慈姑的种子繁殖和球茎营养繁殖对植株生物量和高度都有明显影响。
- This article has summarized the research progress of Sagittaria pygmaea Miq in nearly 20 years. The developmental prospect is also discussed. 摘要综述了矮慈姑近20多年的研究进展,展望了矮慈姑药用资源的开发前景。
- Juncellus serotinus (Rottb.)and Sagittaria pygmaea Miq.are very common co-existence weeds in rice field and can cause great damage to rice grwoth. 水莎草+矮慈姑是稻田常见的杂草组合,对水稻生长有较大的危害。
- I found from the Internet:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau fit to plant Kobresia pygmaea, Carex pseudo foelide,Stipa purea, etc. 我从网上查到:青藏高原适合种植高山蒿草,无味苔草,紫花针茅等植物。
- Sagittaria pygmaea Miq. 矮慈姑
- Alpine meadow of Kobresia pygmaea 高山嵩草草甸
- any of various plants of the family Gentianaceae especially the genera Gentiana and Gentianella and Gentianopsis 龙胆科的任何一种植物
- any of various plants of the family Gentianaceae especially the genera Gentiana and Gentianella and Gentianopsis. 龙胆科的任何一种植物。
- type genus of the Gentianaceae; cosmopolitan genus of herbs nearly cosmopolitan in cool temperate regions; in some classifications includes genera Gentianopsis and Gentianella. 龙胆属的模式属;长在凉爽的地区四海为家的草本属。
- The Growth Characteristics and Dynamic Changes of Population for Kobreisa Pygmaea in stocking condition 放牧条件下高山嵩草生长特性及其群落的变化动态
- Study on the Ramet Population and Clonal Growth of Kobresia Pygmaea under Different Graze Intensity 不同放牧强度下高山嵩草分株种群与克隆生长动态
- The Isolation Effects of Digestive Enzym es from Acanthochiton rubrolineatus and Patelloida pygmaea on Seaweed 石鳖和拟帽贝消化酶解离海藻效果的研究
- The Primary Study of the Anatomy Characteristic for Kobresia humilis and K. Pygmaea Seed under Non germination and Germination 非萌发与萌发状态下两种嵩草种子解剖特征的初步研究
- Gentianella acuta n. 尖叶假龙胆
- Gentianella angustiflora n. 窄花假龙胆
- Gentianella arenaria n. 紫红假龙胆