- Full Communications Service 全面通信服务
- Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers. 许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作
- Everyone should invest some time in community service. 每个人都应该花些时间在社区服务上。
- The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的义工做得很出色。
- Would you use an online community service? 您使用网上社团提供的服务吗?
- Actively involve in the community service. 积极投身社会。
- Shanghai Ruixun communication Service Co., Ltd. 上海瑞讯通讯服务有限公司。
- Promote World Community Service projects. 推广世界社区服务的计划。
- The key communications services grew at a high speed. 通信重点业务发展迅速。
- The volunteer for community service is doing a good job. 社区服务的义工做得很出色。
- This update will automatically restart the Live Communications service, though the server computer itself does not require a reboot. 虽然伺服器电脑本身不需要重新开机,但此更新仍会自动重新启动Live Communications服务。
- Unforgiveness breaks your full communication with the Lord. It desensitizes[85] you to spiritual things. 不愿意饶恕拦阻你与主完整的沟通,并使你对属灵的事感觉迟钝。
- The volunteer for community service is doing a good job . 社区服务的义工做得很出色。
- The radio spectrum used in narrowband Personal Communications Services (PCS). 用于窄带个人通信业务(PCS)的无线频谱。
- To be sure, community service can aid re-employment. 毫无疑问,社区服务能有助于再就业。
- Have you done any community service? If so, please describe them. 你是否从事过社区服务?如果是,请详细描述。
- To across the dangerous shoal, climb over the rock and obtain the headwater goal in the end, players have to make full communication and cooperation during the whole process. 独木舟是一种老少咸宜的水上活动,装备简单,只需船桨、救生衣及您的参与,稍经指导便可体会划舟的乐趣。
- Mandatory community service? Perhaps even a short jail term? 做强制性的社区义工?甚至是短期监禁?
- We need to create more jobs in community services. 扩大社区服务就业门路。
- How can we help students to see the richness of community service? 我们怎样能帮助学生看到社区服务的美丽?