- Fucidin has a powerful antibacterial activity against a number of gram-positive microorganisms. 立思丁对一系列革兰氏阳性细菌有强大的抗菌作用。
- Fucidin shows no cross-resistance to any other antibiotic agent used in clinical practice. 立思丁与临床使用的其它抗菌药物之间无交 耐药性。
- Staphylococci, including the strains resistant to penicillin, methicillin or other antibiotics, are particularly susceptible to Fucidin. 葡萄球菌,包括对青霉素,甲氧西林和其它抗菌素耐药的菌株,均对本品高度敏感。
- It is of great clinical importance that Fucidin provides high concentrations not only in areas well supplied with blood, but also in relatively avascular tissue. 临床上尤为重要的是,本品不但在血液供应丰富的组织中有高浓度,即使在血管分布较少的组织中也同样具有高浓度。
- Fucidina Fusidate Sodium
- fucidin n. 梭链孢酸钠(用于葡萄球菌感染)
- Fucidine Fusidate Sodium