- Freixenet Cordon Negro 菲斯奈特黑牌汽酒
- He shot his way through the police cordon. 他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线。
- Demonstrators broke through the police cordon. 示威群众突破了警戒线。
- It's impolite to call the black people Negro. 称呼黑人为Negro是不礼貌的。
- "Negro songs make me sick," said the racist. 这个种族歧视者说: "黑人歌曲使我恶心。"
- The police cordon was unable to hold back the crowd. 警方的警戒线阻挡不住人群。
- One of these gunmen pierce the protective cordon around the president's house. 其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。
- Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon. 示威群众企图突破警察的封锁线。
- The police cordon off the area to prevent loot. 警察用警戒围住该地区以防抢劫。
- He was the first Negro ever to enroll there. 他是学院招收的第一个黑人学生。
- The police cordon is unable to hold back the crowd. 警方的警戒线阻挡不住人群。
- Music has always been important in Negro life. 音乐在黑人生活中一直占有重要地位。
- There is a tight security cordon around the area. 这一地区周围设有严密的安全警戒圈。
- Boaz Negro did not rebuild his house. 鲍兹·尼格罗一直没有重新修建他的房屋。
- One of these gunmen pierced the protective cordon around the President's house. 其中一个持枪人突破了总统住房周围的警戒线。
- On a bench in the obscurity sat the negro Jess. 而那个叫杰斯的黑人就坐在阴暗处的长凳上。
- The thin cordon of police could do nothing to hold back the crowd. 警察围成的警戒线力量单薄,挡不住人群。
- There is a number of negro in the city. 这个城市有一些黑人。
- The Negro prisoner was forced to wear a ball and chain attached to one of his ankles. 那个黑人囚犯被迫在一只脚上带上了系有铁球的脚链。
- The police cordon was unable to holdbackthe crowd. 警方的警戒线阻挡不住人群。