- Food for Peace Program 和平计划
- This May, Croatia signed on to NATO's Partnership for Peace program, significantly safeguarding Croatian security. 其二,今年五月获准加入北约和平伙伴关系计画,有助安全保障。
- We salute you for your tireless efforts for peace. 我们为您在寻求和平方面做出的不懈努力向您表示敬意。
- It is obvious that they have no desire for peace. 很显然,他们没有和平的愿望。
- That ought to be enough food for all of us. 那些该够我们大家吃的了。
- There is sufficient food for everybody. 有足够的饭菜供大家吃。
- The whole country was anxious for peace. 全国上下都渴望和平。
- Clover can be grown as food for cattle. 苜蓿可以用作牛饲料。
- He is an untiring campaigner for peace. 他为了争取和平不懈努力。
- The country was solid for peace. 全国上下都希望和平。
- We are really anxious for peace. 我们确实渴望和平。
- This cupboard can store enough food for a month. 这个食橱能装下足够一个月之用的食物。
- They are in there fighting for peace. 他们坚持不懈地为和平斗争。
- I am going to hot up some food for you. 我去给你热点饭。
- Their government is making overtures for peace. 他们的政府正在作出和平的表示。
- His father's advice gave the boy food for thought. 父亲的忠告引起了孩子的深思。
- There is a desire for peace universally. 全世界都渴望和平。
- Milk is the natural food for babies. 牛奶是婴孩的天然食品。
- They joined forces to fight for peace. 他们联合起来为和平而战。
- The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk. 目前的冲突可能会给和谈提供新的推动力。