- Fighting French Forces "战斗的法兰西"部队
- The British and French forces now had a pretext to invade. 现在,英国和法国的部队有了入侵的借口了。
- At the Battle of Verdun, French forces stopped a German attack. 在凡尔登战役,法国部队抗击了德国的一次进攻。
- The Rangers outfought the Maple Leafs; The French forces outfought the Germans. Rangers队打败了枫叶队;法国军队打败了德国人。
- He had early in the war driven off from the shores of Dakar an attempted invasion by British and Free French forces. 他在早期战争中,曾在达卡尔海岸逐退英国及自由法国部队之入侵。
- French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. 法国积极参加美国的双边行动以对抗英国1781年的约克镇战役。
- Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. 普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。
- It proved impossible to coordinate the attacks, though, and the French forces from the south never materialized. 但是却证明了不能发动对等的攻击,法军从南部的进攻一直没有实现。
- War in Indochina: Lost. French forces plead sickness, take to bed with Dien Bien Flu. 印度日(支-那)本战争:输了。法国军队为自己的无能找借口,将失败归因于奠边府
- Cinco de Mayo t raditionally celebrates the Mexican's Army's defeat of the French forces at the Battle of Pueblo on May 5t, 1862. 击溃法国纪念日庆祝墨西哥军队在1982年5月5日在普韦布洛战役中击溃法国军。
- British forces under General Wolfe defeated the French forces led by General Montcalm at the Plains of Abraham here in 1759. 1759年,在这里的亚伯拉罕平原上,由伍尔夫将军率领的英国军队击败了由蒙卡尔姆将军率领的法国军队。
- Military commander with the French forces in the American Revolutionary War, Armand Lauzun was a French peer who supported the French Revolution. 美国独立战争中的法军司令阿尔芒.洛赞是法国贵族,支持法国大革命。
- Xianfeng decade, British and French forces invaded Dagu mouth, Tongzhou, almost in Beijing, Chengde, Xian Feng Emperor fled. 咸丰十年,英法联军进犯大沽口、通州,直逼北京,咸丰皇帝出逃承德。
- The battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat,Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon. 1815年6月18日拿破仑遇见了他的最后战败的战斗,普鲁士和英国军队在布卢彻和惠灵顿公爵领导下击败了拿破仑领导下的法国军队。
- An ancient North African port, Algiers was captured by French forces in1830 and was later a pivotal center of the struggle for Algerian independence.Population, 1,523,000. 阿尔及尔是一个历史悠久的北非港口,于1830年为法军所占领,以后又成为阿尔及利亚独立运动的中心。
- He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting. 他挤进两人中间,阻止他们打架。
- Galloping successfully between the French forces, he reached the field behind the copse across which our men were running downhill, not heeding the word of command. 他很幸运地从法军中间疾驰而过,已经驰近森林之后的田野,我军官兵正穿过森林逃跑,他们不听口令,迳直往山下走去。
- They joined forces to fight for peace. 他们联合起来为和平而战。
- General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the army chief, said the 28-year-old had been shot inside the yacht during an exchange of fire between French forces and the pirates. 简-路易斯.;乔治林将军说到28岁的游艇主人已在法国军方与海盗的交火中在游艇内部中弹身亡。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鲍勃经常煽动这两个孩子打架。