- Fight like kill Kenny cats, 死拼,斗得两败俱伤
- Mike: That sounds fun, but I thought you two normally fight like cats and dogs. 听起来很有趣,但是我想你们两个通常会像小猫小狗一样打架。
- They still love each other very much. But they fight like cat and dog. 他们仍然深深相爱,但却经常发生激烈争吵。
- They still love each other very much.But they fight like cat and dog. 他们仍然深深相爱,但却经常发生激烈争吵。
- She fight like a tiger to get what she want. 她竭力争取自己想要的东西。
- We might've fought like cats and dogs on issues. 我们可能在一些问题上争得不可开交。
- She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted. 她竭力争取自己想要的东西。
- Those two children will fight like Kilkenny cats if I leave them alone in the house. 如果我让那两个孩子单独呆在家中,他们会打得不可开交的。
- She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children. 她为了保护孩子,可以凶得像只老虎。
- What will make you fight like a man? 什么才能让你像个男人一样战斗?
- I hate to see brothers fight like this. 我不喜欢看自相残杀。
- The companies fight like heck not to have them. 上市公司们努力不让股价降低。
- Bravely done. Your fight like a man. 勇敢的做法,你像一个男子汉一样战斗。
- He'll fight like hell to present it. 他会拼命地展现它。
- Those two kids will fight like Kilkenny cats if I leave them alone in the house. 假如我把这两个孩子单独留在家里,他们就会打得不可开交。
- You're lucky to have children that play so nicely together. My two fight like cat and dog all the time. 你们真幸运,孩子们在一起玩得这样好,我的两个孩子整天吵闹不休。
- There's never any peace in our house,because my two daughters fight like cat and dog. 我们家里从来不安宁,因为我的两个女儿天天打打闹闹。
- My parents used to fight like cat and dog,yet paradoxically they still loved each other. 我父母亲过去一直吵得你死我活,然而反常的是他们仍然彼此爱着。
- My parents used to fight like cat and dog yet paradoxically they still loved each other. 我父母亲过去一直吵得你死我活,然而反常的是他们仍然彼此爱着。
- Yes, of course. He is a coward. Too yellow to fight like a man! 是呀,他真是个懦夫。他太没出息,不敢像个男子汉去打斗。