- Fick扩散 Fick diffusion
- 非Fick扩散 non-fickian diffusion
- Fick第二定律 Fick second law
- Best-First算法 Best-First algorithm
- Darcy's law (流速与压力差的关系) 达西定律
- Fick扩散定律 Fick's law of diffusion
- First移动到第一页。 First To move to the first page.
- Kolmogorovs zero-one law 柯尔莫哥罗夫零-壹定律
- FIRST ABSOLUTE 1的缩写形式。 FIRST A short form for ABSOLUTE 1.
- Brewster's law (光的反射与折射定律) 布鲁斯特定律
- 存在均相化学反应的瞬态扩散传质问题中的非Fick效应 Non-Fick Effect of Transient Diffusion Mass Transfer with First Order Homogeneous Chemical Reaction
- 你怎么能写“march twenty-first”? How can you write March twenty-first?
- Maxwells law of reciprocity 麦克斯韦互等变位定律
- 用Fick第二定律描述混凝土中氯离子浓度分布的适用性 Discussion on the Feasibility of Using Fick's Second Law to Descriping the Distribution of Chloric Ions
- commutative law of vector (管理数字) 向量交换律
- [英]底层, 一楼(相当于美国的the first floor) the ground floor
- 我们将这个变体称为Depth-First Visitor模式。 We call this variant the Depth-First Visitor pattern.
- law of Guldberg and waage (质量作用定律) 古德柏和瓦治定律
- 为评估先进复合材料在湿热环境下长期服役性能,根据Fick第二定律和C. In order to evaluate the utmost performance of advanced composites in long-term hygrothermal environment,according to the Fick's second law and the C.
- 故以Best-First算法为基础,提出了BS-BS算法。 So based on Best-First algorithms it raises BS-BS algorithms.