- Ferenc Csipes 西佩斯
- Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany shrugs off this criticism. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼对这个批评不以为然。
- The great Hungarian Ferenc Puskas was one of the great stars of the 1950s and early 1960s. 伟大的匈牙利人费伦茨·普斯卡斯是20世纪50年代及60年代早期最耀眼的明星之一。
- In 1881 Tesla traveled to Budapest, hoping to work for family friends, Tivadar and Ferenc Puskas. 1881年,特士拉到匈牙利布达佩斯,希望能帮家人的好友普斯卡兄弟工作。
- Although its collection is modest by European standards, the Hopp Ferenc Museum still attracts hordes of visitors on public holidays. 收藏虽然不如西欧有些国家之众,但每到假日,合法兰博物馆仍吸引了无数游客。
- Back in 1906, Renault and Michelin won the first-ever Grand Prix, here in France, courtesy of French driver Ferenc Szisz. 回到1906年,雷诺车队和米其林赢得了他们有史以来的第一次大奖赛胜利,地点也是在法国,夺冠者是法国车手弗伦克-瑟兹斯。
- Hungary's Prime Minister,Ferenc Gyurscany,has called for $230,000,000,000 in aid for the weakest of the 27 members of the Europan Union. 匈牙利总理弗朗斯.;久尔恰尼已经要求提供两千三百亿美元的援助给欧盟实力最弱的二十七个成员。
- Hungarian PM Ferenc Gyurcsany loves polo and canoeing, while Thai Princess Sirindhorn has booked tickets for weight-lifting. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼对水球和皮划艇情有独钟,泰国诗琳通公主则早已订了举重比赛的门票。
- Intrathecal Clonidine and Severe Hypotension After Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Case Report) Ferenc Puskas, Enrico M. Camporesi, Colleen E. O'Leary, Michael Hauser, and Fadi V. 心肺转流后鞘内应用可乐定和严重低血压(病例报告)
- The protesters want the resignation of Socialist Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany, who acknowledged he lied about the nation's economy to win electio earlier this year. 示威者要求匈牙利社会党总理久尔恰尼辞职。久尔恰尼承认今年早些时候为赢得选举就匈牙利的经济状况向选民撒谎。
- Hungary's ruling Socialists picked Gordon Bajnai, the economy minister, to replace Ferenc Gyurcsany as prime minister. Mr Gyurcsany resigned on March 23rd. 匈牙利执政的社会党成员选择经济部长鲍伊瑙依,接任久尔恰尼的总理职务。久尔恰尼已于3月23日辞职。
- This Chinese memorial archway was brought back to Budapest from Western China by the Hungarian collector Hopp Ferenc and now stands in the Hopp Ferenc Museum . 这座中国牌楼,是匈牙利收藏家合法兰早年由西域一带运到布达佩斯的,现矗立于合法兰博物馆中。
- "They had [Alfredo] di Stefano and [Ferenc] Puskas in the past, and as Ronaldo is considered one of the best or the best player in the world it's normal. “他们过去曾经有斯蒂法诺、普什卡什,而罗纳尔多也被认为是世界上最好的球员,所以这很正常。
- They had [Alfredo] di Stefano and [Ferenc] Puskas in the past, and as Ronaldo is considered one of the best or the best player in the world it's normal. 他们曾经拥有斯蒂法诺和普斯卡什,而现在罗纳尔多被认为是世界上最好的球员之一,或者就是最好的球员,所以(皇马想要他)是正常的。
- Argyros, Ferenc Szidarovszky. 作者 Ioannis K.
- Enduring greats such as Alfredo Di Stefano, Ferenc Puskas, Emilio Butragueno, Ronaldo, Raul and Zinedine Zidane have all graced the Bernabeu's sacred turf in the famous all-white strip. 而在足场上出现的伟人们,如阿尔弗雷多迪斯特法诺,普斯卡什费伦茨,布特拉格诺,罗纳尔多,劳尔和齐达内都在这片庄严的草地上留下了耀眼瞩目的白色。
- Ferenc wrote in the condolence book "please allow me to express our sincere condolences and sympathy to the Chinese government and the people in my own name and on behalf of the Hungarian government. 费伦茨写道,在吊唁簿“请允许我表示我们诚挚的哀悼和同情,向中国政府和人民在以我个人的名义并代表匈牙利政府”。
- Csipes 奇派什
- Ferenc 费伦茨
- Ferenc Pataki 帕塔基