- The exchange rate of RMB was stable. 人民币汇率保持稳定。
- Contrary to our expectation, the exchange rate of RMB increased. 和我们预想的不同,人民币的汇率增加了。
- Can you tell me the current exchange rate of RMB against US dollar? 你能告诉我人民币对美元当前的汇价吗?
- Who Wants to Unfasten the Screw of the Fixed Exchange Rate of RMB? 谁想松动人民币汇率管制的螺钉?
- The exchange rate of RMB was stable,standing at 1 US dollar = 8.2773 RMB yuan at the end of the year. 人民币汇率保持稳定,年末时,1美元兑8.;2773元人民币。
- However,all these good expectations are based on a hypothetical fixed exchange rate of RMB. 但是,这一切美好的预期是建立在人民币维持在现有的比价基础之上。
- The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day. 人民币兑换英磅,如何知道最佳汇率?在中行外汇牌价中,哪个是可以参考的价格?
- The Effect of the Higher Exchange Rate of RMB to USD for API Outsourcing and Strategy for Outsourcing Markets to Korea and Japan. 人民币升值对API出口的影响及韩国、日本市场的外包机遇和策略。
- At the currency exchange places and various banks of Ulan Bator, the exchange rate of Tugrik to USD is based on the rate of RMB to USD. 在乌兰巴托的货币兑换点和各家大小银行,图格里克对美元的汇率是以人民币对美元的汇率为依据的。
- Even at the Asian financial storm of 1997 and 1998, the exchange rate of RMB had no unclenched that soothes the Asian regions’ nerves. 在1997年、1998年亚洲金融风暴的时候,中国人民币汇率并没有放开,给亚洲地区吃了一颗定心丸。
- Today, in the period of global economy glissade, whether or not will China loosen the exchange rate of RMB by a larger margin? 今天,在全球经济下滑的时候,中国会不会更大幅度地放开人民币的汇率?
- The situation of balance of international payment was favorable,the exchange rate of RMB remained stable,and China's foreign exchange reserve continued to grow. 国际收支平衡,人民币汇率稳定,外汇储备继续增加。
- Based on the theory of equilibrate real exchange rate, this paper holds that the exchange rate of RMB should be more flexible to suit to shocks in the process of transition. 摘要从均衡实际汇率理论分析汇率制度,认为人民币汇率应更加弹性,以适应转轨过程中的经济冲击。
- The conversion of RMB into other currency shall be in accordance with the exchange rate of the converting day published by the State Administration of Exchange Control of P.R.C. 人民币同其他外币折算,按实际发生之日中华人民共和国国家外汇管理局公布的汇价计算。
- The exchange rate used in the quotation for this bid complies with the rate of RMB to US$ (US$0.132) and the rate of US$ to Dirham (3.6730) on the date of filling out the total quote price. 本次投标报价的汇率是按照填写投标总价当日(年月日)人民币对美元的汇率0.;132,美元对迪拉姆的汇率3
- Upvaluation of the exchange rate of the RMB is inadvisable. 人民币不宜升值。
- Party B shall pay the advertisement rate of RMB . 乙方应支付广告费人民币(大写)元整.
- Long-term Trend in Exchange Rate of RMB 论人民币汇率的长期走势
- Dispute of Exchange Rate of RMB in Perspective 透视人民币汇率之争
- On Theory of Unbalanced Exchange Rate of RMB 试论非均衡人民币汇率理论