- They have tended to fudge on matters of economic policy. 他们打算在经济政策事务上动手脚。
- Evolvement of Economic Policy 政策演变
- The first Bush administration was a mixed bag in terms of economic policy. 第一届布什政府的经济政策是个大杂烩。
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- Keister W.Industrial groups as system of contractual governance[J].Oxford Review of Economic Policy,1992(8):24-44. 刘兴强.;国有上市公司的集团控制及其治理[J]
- In the past decade, liberalization and globalization have been the hallmark of economic policy throughout the world. 在过去的十年里,自由化和全球化是经济政策的显著标志,全世界都是如此。
- Based on the established task of Institution Analysis,the paper makes comments on Social Darwinism,Social Evolutionism and academic thoughts on evolvement of economics. 在给定经济学制度演化分析的研究任务的基础上,对基于生物学类比的社会达尔文主义、社会进化论,以及经济学演化思维的理论成果做了扼要的比较评价。
- Last week, the politburo took control of economic policy which had previously been left to the government. 上周,中共中央政治局全面掌管了以前一直由政府负责的经济政策大权。
- The keystone of national policy is to examine the social and political effects of economic policy. 摘要国策的要旨在于审视经济政策的社会政治效应。
- It follows that value premises, however carefully disguised, are an integral component both of economic analysis and economic policy. 因此,价值观念不管怎样小心翼翼地加以掩饰,都必定是经济分析和经济政策的一个不可分割的组成部分。
- The paper firstly reviews the evolvement of TBT. 本文回顾了TBT的发展;
- Because economists generally cannot perform controlled experiments with the economy, the effects of economic policy are difficult to determine. 由于经济学家一般不能对经济进行可控实验,因而经济政策的影响难于确定。
- The work of Edmund Phelps has deepened our understanding of the relation between short-run and long-run effects of economic policy. 埃德蒙 &%238226;费尔普斯的工作加深了我们对经济政策的短期和长期效果之间关系的理解。
- A guiding principle of economic policy in recent years has been that nobody is smart enough to diagnose a bubble until it has already deflated. 在泡沫业已破裂之前,没有人能够聪明地诊断出它的存在,这一直是最近几年经济政策的指导性原则。
- Most obviously, nearly 200 days into office, he has avoided making any horrific mistakes, especially in the fraught business of economic policy. 最起码在他就职近200天来,他避免了一切毁灭性的错误,尤其是在有关经济政策的纷繁事务中。
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。
- Some of them beat the economic policy. 他们有些人钻了经济政策的空子。
- Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline? 通货膨胀是经济衰退的征兆吗?
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- In a political sense,however,the economic conditions do present a problem,a problem of economic policy which is of immense importance to the establishment of base areas. 但从其政治性一方面看来则不然,这里的问题是存在的,这就是经济政策的问题,这一点对于建立根据地是带着严重性的。