- Euglena caudata var. minor n. 尾裸藻小型变种
- Euglena caudata n. 尾裸藻
- Euglena caudata var. caudata n. 尾裸藻原变种
- An organism,such as a euglena,that is equipped with a flagellum. 一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛
- An organism, such as a euglena, that is equipped with a flagellum. 一种生物,例如鞭毛虫,有鞭毛
- There are many euglena viridis algae in the water, which makes the water green. 水里有好多的眼虫,把水面都染绿了。
- Euglena water bloom also appeared V waterway waters in the summer and autumn. 形水道水域夏秋季水面也出现裸藻水华。
- Studies of Chemical Constituents of Top Note in Fresh Flowers of Symplocos Caudata Wall. Ex A.DC. 新鲜山矾花头香成分的研究。
- It discusses Symplocos caudata as a mordant was used in Yellow dyeing and You dyeing. 探讨了山矾作为媒染剂参与的染黄和染黝工艺。
- Title: Studies of Chemical Constituents of Top Note in Fresh Flowers of Symplocos Caudata Wall.ex A.DC. 关键词:山矾花;香料;化学成分;气相色谱-质谱法
- In Chlamydomonas it is just inside the chloroplast;in Euglena it is near the base of the flagellum. 眼点的位置各不相同,在衣藻中,它位于叶绿体内,在裸藻中眼点临近鞭毛基部。
- Thus Euglena shows a diurnal rhythm in the speed at which it moves to a light source. 当眼虫被放在强光下时,仍能表现出昼夜节律。
- Any of various small lizardlike amphibians of the order Caudata, having porous scaleless skin and four, often weak or rudimentary legs. 蝾螈:有尾目中一种像蜥蜴的小型两栖动物,具有多孔无鳞的皮肤和四条常无力或发育不完全的腿。
- Echinotriton and Tylototriton(Amphibia:Caudata:Salamandridae) range over southwestern China,southwestern and southeastern Asia and Japan. 棘螈属(Echinotriton)和疣螈属(Tylototriton)均属于两栖纲有尾目蝾螈科。 两属主要分布于我国西南、亚洲西南部、东南亚及日本。
- Any of various amphibians of the order Caudata, including the salamanders and newts, in which the larval tail persists in adult life. 有尾目两栖动物一种有尾目的两栖动物,包括蝾螈和水螈,特征为幼虫期的尾巴,在成年期仍旧存在
- Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genus Euglena, characterized by the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻一种眼虫属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛
- In the history of ancient Chinese dyeing, the wide use of Symplocos caudata as a raw material for dyeing only appeared in the Song Dynasty. 在中国古代染色史上,山矾作为染色原材料被广为利用,只出现在宋代这一时期。
- Caudate nucleus did not show the well pretection action.Temporal lobe,amygdala and caudata nucleus all showed well BDNF neuron protection mechanism. 颞叶和杏仁核具有良好的BDNF保护机制,尾状核具有反应迅速、作用持久的BDNF保护机制。
- Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genus Euglena,characterized by the presence of chlorophyll,a reddish eyespot,and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻一种眼虫属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛。
- Leptolegnia caudata de Barr Saprolegnia ferax Gruith Thuret. Rhodotorula sp. Paeeilomyces varioti Bain. Aspergillus finnigatus Frcs and Cephalosporium aeremonium Gorda. 优势种类有松花根生壶菌Rhizophydinm pollinis-pini(Braun)zopf;尾细襄霉Leptolegnia caudata de Bary;多卵水霉Saprolegnia ferax(Gruith) Thuret红酵母 Rhodotorula sp.;拟青霉 Paecilomyces VariotiBain;烟曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus Fres;顶头孢霉Cephalosporium acremonium Corda