- Eritrichium aciculare n. 针刺齿缘草
- The microstructure of isothermally-quenched ductile iron (ADI) is a mixture structure consisting of austenite plus acicular ferrite. 摘要等温淬火球铁的显微组织由奥氏体加针状铁素体的混合组织组成。
- By observing microstructures , we find they may form spheroidal A,acicular A and feathery A . 组织观察发现,除形成球状A、针状A外,还形成羽毛状A。
- The extract was further purified by column chromatography to get the acicular crystals of reserpine of 99. 将萃取所得产物用硅胶柱色谱进一步分离提纯;得到了质量分数为99.;8%25的利血平针状结晶。
- A double acicular electrostatic device was designed.Experiments were conducted with an experimental model established. 摘要在高射程喷雾机上设计了双针电晕静电装置,并对实验模型进行了相关试验。
- The acicular and columnar shapes of aragonite crystals are preserved even after aragonite changes into calcite. 文石转变为方解石常保留文石的针状、柱状晶形,并存在于石笋沉积生长的始终。
- The iron content of grainy crystal was the most, acicular crystal taking second place. 表面有粒状析晶的磁珠中铁含量最高,针状析晶磁珠次之。
- Herbs annual; bracts of female flowers connate to apex, both sides with an acicular appendage near apex. 一年生草本雌花苞片在先端合生,两面具一针状的附属物近先端。
- A hard supersaturated solid solution of iron characterized by an acicular (needle-like) microstructure. 一种以针尖状微观结构为特征的铁的硬饱和的固溶体。
- Branchlets black-brown, terete, glabrous or sparsely acicular hirsute, with elliptic lenticels. 小枝黑棕色,圆柱状,无毛或者稀少针状多毛,带有椭圆的皮孔。
- Calyx lobes 5, unequal; 2 larger lobes oblanceolate, dentate to pinnatifid; other 3 lobes acicular, entire. 萼裂片5,不等长;2更大的裂片倒披针形,具牙齿的到羽状半裂;其他3裂片针状,全缘。
- Spheroidal austenite and acicular austenite can be seen during the austenitizing courses at low speed. 慢速加热奥氏体化过程中,观察到球状奥氏体和针状奥氏体。
- Performance: White acicular crystallization or powder, dissolves in the water, does not dissolve in alcoholic. The watery solution is an alkalescence. 白色针状结晶或粉末,溶于水,不溶于醇,水溶液为碱性。
- The result showed that the microstructure dominated by fine and homogeneous acicular ferrite had the better resistance to SSCC. 结果表明:均匀细小的针状铁素体为主的显微组织具有优良的抗SSCC性能;
- The purely acicular Sr_(0.5)Ba_(0.5)Nb_2O_6 (SBN50) particles were prepared by both carbonate precursor and nitrate precursor. 以碳酸盐和硝酸盐为原料,以KCI为熔盐,采用熔盐法制备了针状形貌的Sr_(0.;5)Ba_(0
- The microstructure of deposit is mainly acicular ferrite when Si content is low, and block ferrite when Si content is high. 低硅含量时,熔敷金属显微组织以针状铁素体为主,高硅含量时,则以块状铁素体为主;
- The steel can beof optimal in the toughness at low temperatre on condition that its structure is mainly composedOf cross-distributed acicular ferrite. 钢中显微组织如以交义分布针形铁素体为主要组织特征时,则将具有最佳的抗冷脆性能。
- The acicular ferrite morphology at the weld side is affected by welding parameter, and the inclusions are located at the boundaries of ferrite. 熔合区焊缝侧针状铁素体的形态与焊接线能量有关。氧化物夹杂大多位于针状铁素体边界。
- Utricles convex on both sides; rostra nearly equal to length of kernel; seed free from pericarp; leaves and bracts acicular to spinulose at apex. 胞果凸的两面;喙差不多等于珠心的长度;种子离生的果皮;对具微刺的在先端针状的叶和苞片。
- Normalizing of defective castings will liminate the acicular and streak cemtentities,therefore failure of the cam shaft has been thus overcome. 对有缺陷原坯料进行正火处理,消除了针、条状渗碳体,从而解决凸轮轴的断裂问题。