- (1907 年的英、法、俄)三国协约; 三个协约国 the(Triple) Entente
- 1907至1914之间,他们掠走了34箱绢轴国画和其他艺术品。 Between 1907 and 1914 they carried away 34 cases of silk scroll paintings and other works of art.
- 设计出第一个化学元素周期表的俄国化学家(1834-1907) Russian chemist who devised the first periodic table of the chemical elements (1834-1907)
- (1834-1907)设计出第一个化学元素周期表的俄国化学家。 Russian chemist who devised the first periodic table of the chemical elements (1834-1907).
- 伯格,沃伦 厄尔生于1907美国最高法院首席大法官(1969-1986年) American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S.Supreme Court(1969 - 1986.
- 波拉哈:美国政治家。来自爱达荷州(1907-1940年)的美国共和党参议员,因其独立观点而著称。 "Borah:american politician. a Republican U.S. senator from Idaho (1907-1940), he was noted for his independent opinions."
- 汤川,秀澍1907-1981日本物理学家,因以数学方法预言介子的存在而获得了1949年的诺贝尔奖 Japanese physicist.He won a1949Nobel Prize for mathematically predicting the existence of the meson.
- 它们是 Macrobiotus harmsworthi Murray, 1907; Macro biotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833。 They are Macrobiotus harmswothi Murray, 1907 and Macrobiotus hufelandi Schultze, 1833. Both species belong to family Macrobiotidae, order Parachela, class Eutardigrada.
- 门捷列夫,季米特里·伊凡诺维奇1834-1907俄国化学家,是第一个设计并出版元素周期表的人(1869年) Russian chemist who first devised and published the periodic table of the elements(1869).
- 卡尔杜齐,吉奥苏1835-1907意大利诗人,被看作是现代意大利民族诗人,曾获1906年度诺贝尔文学奖 Italian poet considered the national poet of modern Italy. He won the1906 Nobel Prize for literature.
- 加拿大(1867)、澳大利亚(1901)、纽西兰(1907)、南非联邦(1910)和爱尔兰自由邦(1921)分别获得自治领地位。 "Dominion status was given to Canada (1867), Australia (1901), New Zealand (1907), the Union of South Africa (1910), and the Irish Free State (1921)."
- 格里格,埃德瓦 黑格卢1843-1907挪威作曲家,其作品,如为彼尔 金特写的戏剧配乐,包含有挪威民间音乐的因素 Norwegian composer whose works, such as the incidental music for Peer Gynt(1876, incorporate Norwegian folk music idioms.
- 美国驻华大使特别助理费正清(1907-1991)大力支持中国革命。他不仅是另问题专家,在世界学术界也具有重大影响。 John Fairbank (1907-1991), Special assistant of American Ambassador to China, exerted himself to support the Chinese revolution.
- 第一次庆祝母亲节是发生在1907 年的费城,是由朱莉娅·瓦德·豪和安妮塔·贾威斯分别在 1872 年和 1907 年提议设立的。 First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.
- Shibli并且引起了重要工作象Swanih Umari Maulana兰姆酒,Ilmul Kalam 1903,Muvazina-e-美洲黑杜鹃o Dabir 1907并且Sher ul Ajam 1899。 Shibli also produced important works like Swanih Umari Maulana Rum, Ilmul Kalam 1903 CE, Muvazina-e- Anis-o-Dabir 1907 CE and Sher-ul-Ajam 1899 CE.
- 达夫妮·杜穆里埃(1907-1989)是英国20世纪著名的小说家和剧作家,其创作生涯长达近半个世纪,创作领域也非常广泛,涵盖短篇、长篇小说、电视电影剧本、传记等。 Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989) is a celebrated English novelist and playwright in the twentieth century. Her works span almost half a century and cover a broad field such as short story, novel, play and biography.