- The Emperor Kangxi ruled for 61 years. 康熙皇帝秉政61年。
- Was Emperor Kangxi of the first 24 Yun Mi-Prince's Palace. 原为康熙皇帝第24子诚亲王允秘的王府。
- Emperor Kangxi wrote many poems during his inspection tour to the Southland. 康熙皇帝巡风江南,后来留下许多诗词。
- Qing Emperor Kangxi and repair Tongzhi years, Beijing, is one of the city Dasi. 清康熙及同治年间重修,是北京外城大寺之一。
- That's designed to recast the GOP's image. 他们希望重塑这个美国大老党的形象。
- Did he faithfully copy Nakae’s image of Kant? 在转换过程之中是否经过一些加工?
- The scandal hurt the government\'s image badly. 这丑闻严重损害了政府的形象。
- The scandal hurt the government's image badly. 这丑闻严重损害了政府的形象.
- Thirty-six of the sights in the villa were named and inscribed by Emperor Kangxi, all in four-character phrases. 山庄内的景点,有康熙亲笔题写的 36 处,均为四字一景;
- Emperor Kangxi being an enthusiastic angler, Ying'Tai was an ideal fishing spot for him. 康熙皇帝喜爱钓鱼,瀛台是他理想的垂钓之处。
- In 1714 (53rd year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi) the Qing government ordered the mapping of Taiwan to determine its size. 一七一四年(清康熙五十三年),清政府派员测绘台湾地图,勘丈全境里数。
- After 39, the Qing Emperor Kangxi years, and the Taiping magistrate Xu continuing the two layers. 过了39年,清康熙年间,太平知府徐越又续建了两层。
- Put the Coroplast’s image and profit at the first place. 2.;始终把科络普公司的形象和利益放在首位。
- Xiguan mosque was built 26 years of Emperor Kangxi, "Hai Temple B", with China and the Islamic architectural style. 西关清真寺建于清康熙二十六年,为“海乙寺”,具有中国和伊斯兰教建筑的独特风格。
- Christ’s image is subverted in this culture of greed. 语气是閒话家常的。
- The obvious characteristic, is the period of emperor kangxi, a piece of art treasures. 具有明显康熙时期的特征,是一件不可多得的艺术珍品。
- Qing Emperor Kangxi 54 (1715), Xun Fu Chuo-qi-old by the new, expanded Temple site, the names Cien Temple . 清康熙54年(1715年),巡抚绰奇补旧增新,扩大寺址,起名慈恩寺。
- What's unique about this premier's residence is that Emperor Kangxi stayed here twice. 这座相府的独特之处在于它曾经两次接待过康熙皇帝下榻。
- Baoding pickles before appeared in the Qing Emperor Kangxi 10 years (AD 1671), more than 300 years of history. 保定酱菜始出现于清康熙10年(公元1671年),已有300多年的历史。
- Deceptive advertising has damaged the company 's image among the consumers . 虚假广告已损坏了该公司在消费者中的形象。