- The EU Emissions Trading Scheme, currently in pilot phase, will from 2008 be fully compatible with Kyoto international trading. 该计划目前正处于试验阶段,从2008年开始将与京都贸易计划接轨。
- Critics immediately jumped all over the government's plan, saying the government's emissions trading scheme is merely electioneering. 批评人士随即越过政府计划的内容,抨击政府的温室气体排放交易计划纯粹是以选举操作为目的,而非出自于关心暖化的议题。
- For this project to be successful we need adequate EU finance and adequate financing for future power stations facilitated by an expanded EU emissions trading scheme. 为使这一项目得以成功,我们需要欧盟提供充足的资金支持和适当的融资手段,以便将来在欧盟排放贸易方案框架下发展新型电站。
- Linking the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme with a proposed U.S. cap and trade scheme by 2015 is ambitious but should be a priority, the report added. 该报告增加说,联系欧盟碳排放交易计划和美国提议的一个到2015年的雄心勃勃的保护贸易计划,是应该首先考虑的事。
- Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action. 沃尔什还表示欧盟应该作为全球计划的先驱,实行它的排放权交易计划,但不要尝试将非欧航空公司也拉这项计划,以免他们提出诉讼。
- European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) 欧盟排放贸易体系
- greenhouse gas Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) 温室气体排放贸易
- Can countries without national curbs on greenhouse gases adopt emissions trading schemes? It's a debate that splits China's environmental entrepreneurs. Cao Haili reports. 一个对温室气体没有法定限制的国家能否实行碳排放交易机制?这在中国的环保企业家中形成了两派分裂的意见。曹海丽报道。
- Abstract Greenhouse gas Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is a market-based environmental management.It gives companies flexibility to deliver emission reductions in a most cost-effective way. 摘要温室气体排放贸易作为一种经济激励型的环境管理手段,对企业减少温室气体排放有成本效率作用。
- During the emission trading scheme's trial period, confusion in the market caused prices to gyrate from almost $40 per ton of CO2 at the outset to about $1 per ton today. 在排放量交易方案的试办期,市场相当混乱,使价格从最初的每公吨二氧化碳近40美元,一路滑落到目前的每公吨约1美元。
- Carbon offsets generated by forest preservation schemes seem likely to be part of the emissions strategy of many rich countries, and returns would derive from emissions trading schemes. 许多发达国家可能会把森林保护方案中的碳排放抵消方法当作排放战略的一部分,并从碳排放交易计划中获取收益。
- Emissions Trading Scheme 排放交易
- The Government is investigating the introduction of a carbon trading scheme to reduce emissions but has promised any measures to tackle climate change will not sacrifice mining industry jobs. 政府正在调查一套推广减少气体排放的碳贸易计划,但已保证,任何解决气候变化的措施都不会牺牲采矿业的工作岗位。
- Carbon emissions' trading is a mitigation of greenhouse important measures, as well as one of the hot researches. 碳排放权交易是缓解温室效应的一项重要措施,也是当前科学研究热点之一。
- Third, take precautions, to develop a detailed and comprehensive trading scheme. 其三,未雨绸缪,制订一个详细、全面的交易计划。
- In September 2001, the first sulfur dioxide emissions trade was successfully completed in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. 2001年9月,江苏省南通市成功实现了我国首例二氧化硫排污权交易。
- MVR - Monitoring Verification and Reporting - will be essential if emissions trading exchanges are to be credible, not just in China. 若要实行可接受的排放交易,监测认证和报告(MVR)对于中国和其他国家来说将很关键。
- EU officials hope a global aviation carbon trading scheme could be up and running by then, defusing scope for a dispute with big trading partners. 欧盟官员希望,一个全球航空业碳排放权交易系统能够在2013年之前启动,从而消除欧盟与大型贸易伙伴的争执空间。
- Two documents totalling 68 pages also laid out choices on nuclear power, emissions trading, forests, shipping or aviation, and other issues. 文长68页的两份文件还针对核能、排放权交易、林业、运输或航空和其他问题,提出了供讨论的方案。
- As evident as the CDM's flaws are, however, they only add to the importance of establishing a global carbon emissions trading system that works. 不过,尽管CDM机制有这样明显的缺陷,但这些缺陷只能说明:建立一个管用的全球碳排放交易体系变得更重要了。