- The election was conducted fairly,openly and honestly under the supervision of the Electoral Affairs Commission. 这次选举在选举管理委员会监督下,以公平、公开、公正的方式进行。
- The election was conducted fairly, openly and honestly under the supervision of the Electoral Affairs Commission. 这次选举在选举管理委员会监督下,以公平、公开、公正的方式进行。
- Mr. Justice Woo Kwok-hing, Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, spoke to the media at the Hong Kong Park Indoor Games Hall. 选举管理委员会主席胡国兴法官在香港公园室内运动场投票站会晤新闻界。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission, an independent statutory body, is responsible for ensuring that elections in the HKSAR are conducted openly, honestly and fairly. 选举管理委员会是独立的法定组织,职责是确保香港特别行政区的选举以公开、公正和公平的方式进行。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission,an independent statutory body,is responsible for ensuring that elections in the HKSAR are conducted openly,honestly and fairly. 选举管理委员会是独立的法定组织,职责是确保香港特别行政区的选举以公开、公正和公平的方式进行。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission has undertaken to review the arrangements, which will submit a report to the Chief Executive as required under the law. 选举管理委员会已承诺就选举安排作出检讨,并会按照法例向行政长官提交报告。
- Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Mr Michael Suen (left) and Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing join one of the promotional activities. 政制事务局局长孙明扬(左)及选举管理委员会主席胡国兴法官参加选举宣传活动。
- I would like to express my compliment to the Electoral Affairs Commission headed by Mr Justice Woo Kwok-hing and all the electoral staff for their serious and impartial working attitude throughout the electoral process. 胡国兴法官为主席的选举管理委员会,以及所有叁与这次选举工作的人员,在昨日的选举中秉持严谨及公正的工作态度,我对此表示赞赏。
- The entire electoral process has been conducted in an open,fair manner. Credit should go to the independent Electoral Affairs Commission,as well as all the staff of the Government who were involved in this particular process. 这次选举能公开、公平、廉洁地进行,实有赖由胡国兴法官领导的选举管理委员会,以及很多参与筹办今次选举的同事所作出的努力。
- The Electoral Affairs Commission would work closely with the Independent Commission Against Corruption ICAC and the Police in ensuring that the elections were free from illegal or corrupt practices. 选举管理委员会和廉政公署和警方紧密合作,确保选举不受任何非法或舞弊行为影响。
- The entire electoral process has been conducted in an open, fair manner. Credit should go to the independent Electoral Affairs Commission, as well as all the staff of the Government who were involved in this particular process. 这次选举能公开、公平、廉洁地进行,实有赖由胡国兴法官领导的选举管理委员会,以及很多叁与筹办今次选举的同事所作出的努力。
- Student Union of International School Supervisory Council Electoral Affairs Commission 暨南大学国际学院学生会
- Under the direction of the Electoral Affairs Commission, we implement the decisions of the Commission in relation to 我们按照选管会的指示,实施选管会就下述事项所作出的决定
- Electoral Affairs Commission 选举管理委员会。
- He currently serves on California's first-ever Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs Commission. 目前,丁先生还是驻加州的亚洲与太平洋岛屿美国事务委员会成员。
- Minister Chang from ROC Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission visited CCBA and attended the year end ceremony of New York Chinese School. 中华民国侨务委员长张富美拜会中华公所,并参加华侨学校结业典礼。侨社盛大欢迎张委员长光临。
- For the time being,this committee has set up a secretariat,a propaganda section,an organization section,a labour movement commission and a military affairs commission. 前委暂设秘书处、宣传科、组织科和职工运动委员会、军事委员会。
- For the time being, this committee has set up a secretariat, a propaganda section, an organization section, a labour movement commission and a military affairs commission. 前委暂设秘书处、宣传科、组织科和职工运动委员会、军事委员会。
- A vice Minister in charge of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission told a press conference, the riot had nothing to do with any religion or relations between ethnic groups. 负责国家民族事务委员会的一名副部长在新闻发布会上讲到,这次暴力事件既无关宗教问题,也与各民族间的关系毫无关联。
- President Justin Yu and many community leaders went to LaGuardia Airport to welcome Republic of China's Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Minister Dr. Y.Y. Wu. 于金山主席率众到拉瓜地亚机场迎接到访纽约的中华民国侨务委员会吴英毅委员长。