- Dustin Moskovitz n. 达斯汀·摩斯科维茨;Facebook网站的建立者之一
- You might have heard that Dustin was dismissed. 你可能听说了吧
- He costarred with Dustin Hoffman in that movie. 他在那部电影里兴达斯汀。霍夫曼合演。
- Dustin Browder: I certainly hope so. 我是相当希望会是这样的。
- But Dustin felt that it was everyone else’s fault. 但是达斯汀却认为所有的人都有问题。
- Dustin Browder: Alright thanks guys. 好的,谢谢大家。
- Dustin's new heart failed him when he was 16. 达斯汀新获得的心脏在两年之后出现了衰竭,那年他十六岁。
- Carol: Dustin Hofmann is coming on to you. 卡罗尔:达斯汀霍夫曼正在朝你走来。
- Dustin Browder: Yeah, I totally agree. 我完全同意。
- The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man. 这部电影由达斯汀·霍夫曼主演一个自闭的人。
- Dustin Hoffman is famous for hsi role acting as a woman. 达斯汀霍夫曼就是以扮女人而闻名于世的。
- And Dustin is wondering what to do next. Kiss the bride? 达斯丁不知道下一步该干什么,是亲吻新娘吗?
- Gordon: Dustin is also short with a big nose, right? 戈登:达斯汀也是个大鼻子的小矮子,不是么?
- You can always trust Dustin to call a spade a spade. 你总能相信达斯汀会直言不讳。
- Dustin Browder:We've tried a lot with the Ultralisk. 我们对雷兽试了很多。
- With Thiel’s money to sustain them, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz decided to follow Gates’s advice. 有了席尔的资金撑腰,查克柏格和莫斯柯维兹决定听从盖茨的忠告。
- Meet Dustin at Library. Study the PERT diagram...for more than one hour. 我们对于明天要学的东西一点都不了解.;一起研究了很久
- Hey dustin, long time no talk. just thought i would say hi. talk to you soon. 一条或多条消息不能被显示,因为作者的账户被封锁或删除了。
- Zuck and Dustin were just ready to move ahead, that's why it worked for them. Zuck和Dustin对将来的打算有足够充分的准备,所以这种创业模式才有效。