- Drassodes nagqu n. 那曲掠蛛;新种
- In Nagqu, the job of helping Tibet catch up has fallen to Mr. 在那曲,帮助藏民发展经济的任务落到了段祥铮的身上。
- People habitually refer to Nagqu as “the North of Tibet”. 在西藏自治区的七个地市当中,人们通常用藏北来特指那曲。
- Conclusion Brucellosis epidemic was confirmed in Nagqu and Qamdo in Tibet. 结论 西藏那曲、昌都地区存在布病流行。
- On market fairs in Nagqu, the number of stalls selling fruit and vegetable exceeds that of beef and mutton stalls. 在那曲镇农贸市场,出售蔬菜和水果的摊位超过牛羊肉的摊位。
- Municipal construction has been speeded up in major cities and towns, such as Lhasa, Xigaze, Nagqu, Qamdo, Zetang and Shiquanhe. 西藏的拉萨、日喀则、那曲、昌都、泽当、狮泉河等主要城镇加快了市政建设。
- Nagqu has many beautiful sceneries and the highland pastures attract tourists like magnets. 那曲拥有数不尽的风光名胜,高原牧场风光更令人流连忘返。
- On 2nd June, the Nagqu group rushed back to Lhasa at night under an emergency situation. 2号夜里那曲分队便告急,为了队员的安全,连夜撒回了拉萨。
- Nagqu's yak herders are trying to break into distant markets through a government-funded dairy cooperative. 那曲牧民希望能通过政府资助的牛奶合作社打进遥远的外部市场。
- Municipal construction has been speeded up in major cities and towns,such as Lhasa,Xigaze,Nagqu,Qamdo,Zetang and Shiquanhe. 西藏的拉萨、日喀则、那曲、昌都、泽当、狮泉河等主要城镇加快了市政建设。
- Methods The polymorphisms of DYS287 locus in male 105 Tibetans(41 in Lhasa and Individuals Nagqu)were analyzed by PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis. 方法利用PCR结合琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测方法对105例藏族男性样本(其中拉萨41例,那曲64例)DYS287位点多态性进行分析。
- In addition to the current report of the Nagqu 1, 2 cases of children with Nyingchi report, the other four regions did not report cases. 目前除那曲报告1例,林芝报告2例患儿外,其余4个地区没有病例报告。
- Objective The study was conducted to uncover the current situation and epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis in Nagqu and Qamdo, Tibet. 目的 了解西藏那曲和昌都地区人群布鲁氏菌病(布病)的感染情况,掌握流行现状及特征。
- On February 19th a crowd reportedly set fire to police vehicles in Nagqu after a fight between a Tibetan and a Han Chinese taxi driver. 2月19日,有媒体报道一群人在一个藏人和一个汉人出租车司机的争斗后,在那曲点燃了几量警车。
- Tibet Yak meat is in Nagqu, a leading enterprises.Source of Tibetan medicine under the Limited, the Tibet-China commerce companies. 西藏牦牛肉制品公司是那曲地区的一家龙头企业.;下属西藏藏源药材有限公司、西藏惠华商贸公司。
- The infection rate in men was slightly higher than that in women, and it is also higher in Qamdo area than in Nagqu area. 昌都地区的感染率较高于那曲地区。
- As the construction work stretched into Nagqu, he was hired as part of the preparation crew.The work tripled his $250 yearly herding income. 随着这条铁路逐渐向那曲延伸,他被招为临时工,工资比他放牧的年收入250美元多两倍。
- Tibet has now formed a tourism resources pattern, with Lhasa as the center, supplemented by Shigatse, Shannan and Nyingchi, and extending to Nagqu, Ngari and Qamdo (see Fig. 7). 目前,西藏已形成了以拉萨为中心,日喀则、山南、林芝地区相衬托,辐射那曲、阿里和昌都地区的旅游资源格局。
- The road east from Guanzhong area, through Qinghai, Sichuan, from the northwest corner of Ma-Tang (formerly邓柯County), over the Jinsha River, the Qamdo, Lhasa Nagqu (more logic). 这条道路东起关中地区,经过青海,从四川西北角的邓玛(原邓柯县),过金沙江,经昌都地区、那曲地区至拉萨(逻些)。
- In Nagqu, Canada's Sterling Group Ventures Inc. says it has signed a letter of intent with a Beijing company to extract lithium carbonate from a salt-water lake. 加拿大公司SterlingGroupVenturesInc.;说,它已与一家北京公司在那曲签署了意向书,准备从盐湖里提取碳酸锂。