- Do they need video tapes? 他们家需要录像带吗?
- Do they need video tape? 他们家需要录像带吗?
- This sounds easy, but do they need rhythm, right. 听起来容易,但是做起来就需要节律,正确行事。
- You need video tape so technologically advanced that it can keep your picture perfect even after hundreds of replays. 您需要有一种高技术录像带,录像画面即使放过几百次以后依然完美无瑕。
- "Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked. 萨拉问:"蛇为什么要获得新生?
- Utah Jazz: Do they need to start packing their pillows, or what? 尤他爵士:他们需要准备枕头,还是其他什么?
- Did they need to do it yesterday? 他们昨天需要做那件事情吗?
- What do they need another loan for now? I understood that everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job. 他们现在又要贷款干什么用?我知道只要彼得一旦开始他的新工作,一切都会好的。
- If I'm keeping my arg tegu indoors, how much humidity do they need for optimal shedding? 如果我是在室内养泰加,怎样调节湿度,安排隐藏处?
- SEAMAN: What do those animals and what do those plants, what do they need to surivive? 谢曼:什么创造了这些动物和植物,它们需要什么使他们生存下去?
- But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie? 但他们需要迎合非理性的愿望和幻想吗?
- What would you let someone know if they're out partying and they realize they've had too much to drink? What do they need to do? 如果有人外出聚会并发现自己喝的太多,你会告诉他们什么?他们需要做什么?
- For NEP pregnant women who come from places other than the Mainland, do they need to make booking for obstetric services with a Hong Kong hospital too? 内地孕妇以外的其它非本地孕妇如欲来港分娩,是否同样需要与香港医院预约产科服务?
- Exactly. -Why do they need special... -Because they've got nothing really to stand up for. They've got nothing. They've got no decent arguments. 是这样。-为什么他们需要特殊的...-因为他们没有什么可真的用于支持的东西。他们什么也没有。他们的论点不象样。
- I can still remember the days of video tapes. 我还记得原先看录象带的时候呢。
- My words were supported by the video tapes. 这些录影带可以证明我说的是实话。
- What does the market need in each country, what do they currently use, what do they need above and beyond current use? 每个国家的市场需要是什么?他们当前使用的是什么?他们在当前使用的基础上还需要些什么?
- Well,what is this video tape recorder for? 唔,这台录相机是干什么用的?
- How much grooming do they need? 多久需要给拉拉整理一次?
- Multifunctional video tape recorders sell well. 多功能录像机一直在市场走俏。