- The branch of meteorology that deals with clouds. 云学研究云的气象学分支
- There is no precedent for a disaster of this scale. 这种规模的灾难是空前的。
- The disaster of war spread throughout Europe. 战祸弥漫了整个欧洲。
- Successful wickedness is the disaster of the good. 邪恶得逞是好人的灾难。
- Disaster of meteorology 天气灾害
- So, the disaster of Nazi is only a historical error, not personal. 所以纳粹法西斯的灾难是历史的错误而非个人的错误。
- Nobody denies the manifest disaster of the past four years. 没人会否认过去四年发生的触目的灾难。
- Fire danger and fire disaster of ste el structures are introduced. 介绍了钢结构的火灾危险性、火灾灾害等;
- No more than the disaster of people feel helpless. . . 没有什么比灾难更让人感到无助的.
- This man had at his fingertips an extensive working knowledge of meteorology. 此人有丰富的气象学方面的实际知识。
- When must I decide what kind of meteorology professional I want to be? 当我要决定需要什么样的气象专业,我想呢?
- The disaster of Challenger fueled the debate on space exploration. 挑战者号航天飞机的惨案加剧了人们对与航空探索的争论。
- Theoretically, their heir's theory of meteorology can explain the meteor. 从理论上讲,他们的继承人的气象理论能解释这种大气现象。
- The insurer will pay for your loss in the disaster of snow. 保险公司会赔偿你在雪灾中所蒙受的经济损失。
- He had at his fingertips an extensive working knowledge of meteorology and oceanography. 他具有丰富的气象学和海洋学方面的实际知识。
- The disaster of your family as well as the country enliven your poems. 家国的祸难,鲜活了笔下的灵性。
- The science of meteorology is concerned with what may be thought of as a vast, automatic air-conditioning system. 气象学可以说是一门研究大气自动调节作用的科学。
- The town has taken a long time to recover from the disaster of the flood. 这个城镇用了很长时间才从水灾的损失中恢复过来。
- To be sure, Markus noted, many Chinese had never seen a disaster of this scale. 可以肯定的是,Markus表示,很多中国人从未有遇见过如此大的灾难。