- Diploconus fasces n. 束杆双锥虫
- He desired not the purple and the fasces, the insignia of vulgar command. 他并不向往标志着庸俗权力的高官厚禄。
- A Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances. 古罗马侍从官持捆有斧头的束棒的古罗马侍从官,常随从执政官在公开场合露面
- They carried rods decorated with fasces and, outside the pomerium, with axes that symbolized the power to execute. 独裁官的代表人,骑士统领也被六位刀斧手随侍。
- Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances. 下级职员;下士;下等官场;低级职员。
- FASC: Statement of Financial Accounting Standard SFAC1, Objective of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises. 利特尔顿:;中国商业出版社;1989年版.
- During this legateship, when he was walking along preceded by the fasces, one of his fellow-townsmen, a man of Lepcis and a plebeian, embraced him as an old comrade. 任职总督副将时,一次他走在法西斯束棒之前,有一位来自列普提斯的平民老乡将他认做老友,与他拥抱。
- She was sometimes portrayed holding the fasces (a bundle of rods around an ax symbolizing judicial authority) in one hand and a flame in the other (symbolizing truth). 有时,她也被描述为一手持法西斯权杖(象征司法权力的绑在斧头周围的一捆棍杖),而另一只手持着象征真理的火焰。
- Fasc. [医] 束
- So, on the 20/4/2009, A China Auto Sport Summit conference was jointly organized by China's FASC (Motorsport Federation) and one of China's most important Auto Media group “BitAuto”. 故此,在20/4/2009,由中国汽车运动协会和中国一家大型的汽车媒体集团“易车”联合举办中国国际经济汽车运动峰会。
- Federation of Automobile Sports of China (FASC) stipulates that any annual output of more than 2500 domestic car manufacturers through the car’s approval, can participate in domestic competitions. 中国汽车运动联合会(FASC)规定,凡是年产2500辆以上的国产车厂家的轿车通过申请批准,都可以参加国内的各项比赛。
- Oxytoxum diploconus var. fusiformis n. 双锥尖甲藻梭形变种
- China rally championship FASC Cup for team 中国汽车运动联合会杯冠军
- FASC; Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists; 亚洲和大洋洲生物化学家联合会;
- Economic factors of victory of Against - Fasces nations in Second War 二战中反法西斯国家胜利的经济因素
- He desired not the purple and the fasces, the insignia of vulgar command 他并不向往标志着庸俗权力的高官厚禄。
- a Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances 持捆有斧头的束棒的古罗马侍从官,常随从执政官在公开场合露面
- Diploconus nitidus n. 光亮双锥虫
- Genus Diploconus n. 双锥虫属
- Keywords Angiography;Infarction;m idd le cerebral artery;M acaca fasc icu laris;Models;an im al; 血管造影术;梗塞;大脑中动脉;食束猴;模型;动物;