- Numerical solution of differential equations. 微分方程的数值解。
- An analog computer used to solve differential equations. 用来解微分方程的一种模拟计算机。
- This is called a normal system of differential equations. 这称为正规微分方程组。
- To some extent, his work pays dividends in differential equations. 他的工作在某种程度上给微分方程带来了好处。
- The analog computers were designed to solve differential equations. 模拟计算机是被设计解决微分方程的。
- Differential Equations and Their Applications 4th ed. 微分方程及其应用第4版。
- Numerical solution of second order differential equations. 二阶微分方程的数值解。
- The Basic Theory of Stability of Functional Differential Equations. 泛函微分方程(超中立型)稳定性的基本理论
- TPBVP Solution reconciliation partial differential equations. 详细说明: 内容包括:解线性代数方程组、插值、数值积分、待殊函数、函数逼近、随机数、排序、特征值问题、数据拟合、方程求根和非线性方程组求解、函数的极值和最优化、傅里叶变换谱方法、数据的统计描述、解常微分方程组、两点边值问题的解法和解偏微分方程组。
- The nonlinear differential equations are solved using finite difference method. 用有限差分法求解非线性微分方程组。
- The differential equations of motion of the systems are established. 建立了系统的运动微分方程;
- First, the differential equations of motion of the system are established. 列出系统的运动微分方程。
- In 1728 Euler gave differential equations for geodesics on surfaces. 1728年,奥伊勒绘出了曲面上测地线的微方程。
- Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 2nd ed. 常微分方程理论中的几何方法第2版。
- Ordinary differential equation arnold v. I. 常微分方程。
- Do you know how to solve the differential equation? 你知道如何解这个微分方程吗?
- Methods The qualitative theories of ordinary differential equations are used. 方法运用常微分方程定性理论进行讨论。
- We study partial differential equations (PDEs) by using symmetry group theory. 本文运用对称群的理论来研究几何中的偏微分方程。
- Four-order-Runge-Kutta method is used to compute the differential equations. 该软件中对微分方程组的求解采用四阶龙格-库塔法。
- His doctoral dissertation on differential equations connected itself with existence theorems. 他论述微分方程的博士论文涉及到存在理论。