- Didymocarpus aromaticus n. 互叶长蒴苣苔
- Clove is the ground flower buds of Caryophyllus aromaticus, native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands, but now grown principally in Zanzibar, Pemba, and the West Indies. 丁香是香丁香属植物花蕾研磨而成。原产于摩鹿加群岛(也叫香料岛),但现主要生长在赞给巴尔岛、奔巴岛、西印度群岛。
- Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus Cum Opio 香垩阿片散
- pulvis cretae et opii aromaticus [医] 复方鸦片白垩散
- liquor amaraniae aromaticus [医] 芳香氨溶液
- liquor aromaticus alkalinus [医] 睑性芳香液
- Croton aromaticus [医] 香巴豆[树]
- pulvis aromaticus [医] 芳香散
- pulvis cretae aromaticus [医] 芳香白垩散
- spiritus ammoniae aromaticus [医] 芳香氨醑
- Streptococcus lactis aromaticus 乳香链球菌
- caryophyllus aromaticus 丁子香
- Bacillus crassus aromaticus [医] 芳香性肥杆菌
- Mucor aromaticus Poyah 生香毛霉
- syrupus aromaticus [医] 芳香糖浆
- Didymocarpus cortusifolius n. 温州长蒴苣苔
- Didymocarpus glandulosus n. 腺毛长蒴苣苔
- Didymocarpus hancei n. 东南长蒴苣苔
- Didymocarpus nanophyton n. 矮生长蒴苣苔
- Didymocarpus pseudomengtze n. 凤庆长蒴苣苔