- Dichocarpum fargesii n. 纵肋人字果
- A chemical preliminaiy examination was carried out on Abies fargesii. 摘要用系统化学预试法对巴山冷杉中的化学成分进行了初步研究。
- The dissertation focuses on characteristics of population of Abies fargesii in Shennongjia Natural Nature Reserve. 巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)是松科冷杉属常绿乔木,是秦巴山地森林的重要树种之一,为我国特有的重要用材树种和经济林树种。
- Abies fargesii forest is composed of 221 species which belong to 136genera and 64 families. (1)秦岭巴山冷杉林由64科、136属、221种植物组成。
- Aboveground net pri- mary productivity for a Castanopsis fargesii stand is 13.7 t/ha. a,of which 4.0t/ha. 栲树林地上部分净第一性生产力约等于13.;7t/ha·a;
- These characteristics would influence the pattern and regeneration of Abies fargesii population. 这些特征将影响到巴山冷杉种群的分布格局和种群更新。
- The sympodial ramets hold the dominant status in the clone growth of the A. fargesii clonal population. 巴山木竹无性系种群的克隆生长型中以合轴型分株占主导地位。
- Rich mahogany, ebony, rosewood, Koba offers a tree, ebony, camphor trees, Castanopsis fargesii, hickory, yellow漆木, Quercus and other economic trees. 盛产红木、黑檀木、花梨木、柯巴树、乌木、樟树、栲树、胡桃木、黄漆木、栓皮栎等经济林木。
- Abies fargesii Franch belongs to Abies Mill. of Pinaceae, it is the peculiar varieties of trees of our country, distributes broadly , resources are large in storage capacity. 巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii Franch)隶属于松科(Pinaceae)冷杉属(Abies Mill.;)
- The results indicated that the orders of resprouting number are as follows: Schima superba>Lithocarpus glaber>Castanopsis sclerophylla>Castanopsis carlesii>Castanopsis fargesii . 结果显示各种类萌枝数的大小顺序是:木荷>苦槠>石栎>米槠>栲树;
- This pattern may be explained by spatial patterns of a restricted food resource (B. fargesii new shoots), giant pandas’ herbivory habits, and topography of the forging sites. 而大熊猫取食的聚集格局可能归因于食物聚集分布、自身取食习惯和取食地段小地形特征。
- Weight losses and nutrient releases of Castanopsis fargesii leaves in different initial conditions were examined in a natural evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern China. 中国南部的天然常绿阔叶林中,不同的初始条件下研究了栲树叶的重量损失和养分释放。对构成森林的13个树种的叶子也用枯叶袋法进行了研究。
- Heracleum fargesii Boiss. 城口独活
- Paris fargesii Franch. 球药隔重楼
- Asarum fargesii Franch. 莲花细辛
- Scrophularia fargesii Franch. ,以 块根 入药。
- Moreover, it can conclude that the orders of the resprouting ability are as follows: Schima superba>Lithocarpus glaber>Castanopsis sclerophylla>Castanopsis fargesii>Castanopsis carlesii . 结合萌枝状况可以推断萌枝能力的大小顺序应该是:木荷>苦槠>石栎>栲树>米槠。
- Results showed that with 0.1 g/mL,13 plant samples had more than 60% inhibition rates to hypha growth of at least one species of tested fungi,such as ?Cuminum cyminum,Jasminum giraldii? and ?Abies fargesii? etc. 结果表明;在供试质量浓度0.;1g/mL下;孜然(Cuminum
- The authors proposed that the resprouting ability on cutting of Castanopsis fargesii and Castanopsis carlesii more than Schima superba, Lithocarpus glaber and Castanopsis sclerophylla . 砍伐对木荷、石栎、苦槠、栲树、米槠萌芽更新都会造成影响,对栲树、米槠影响更大,而对木荷、石栎、苦槠影响较小。
- The litter obstructed the seeds to the duff,only about 17%~22.3% of the Castanopsis fargesii seeds could penetrate litter and got into the duff. In winter,about 98.2% of the ground C. fargesii seeds were consumed or transported by rodents. 凋落物阻碍种子下移至半分解层 ;栲树种子下移率为 1 7%25至 2 2 .;3%25;冬季种子的动物损耗率平均为 98