- Deutzia zhongdianensis n. 中甸溲疏
- Any of various shrubs of the genus Deutzia,cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers. 溲疏属各种溲疏属灌木的任一种,因其白色的枝条和粉红的花朵而被人们种植
- Any of various shrubs of the genus Deutzia, cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers. 溲疏属各种溲疏属灌木的任一种,因其白色的枝条和粉红的花朵而被人们种植
- Amphipsylla quadratoides zhongdianensis n. 似方双蚤中甸亚种
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of the Wild Deutzia grandiflora Bge 野生大花溲疏的组织培养和快速繁殖
- Numerical taxonomy of Mesodeutzia Schneid. Of Deutzia Thunb. In China 绣球花科中国溲疏属小花溲疏组的数量分类
- any of various shrubs of the genus Deutzia,cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers 溲疏属各种溲疏属灌木的任一种,因其白色的枝条和粉红的花朵而被人们种植
- Analysis of isozyme variation within and among the population of Deutzia multiradiata 多辐溲疏群体同工酶变异的数量分析
- subsp. zhongdianensis n. 中甸亚种
- Arenaria zhongdianensis n. 中甸无心菜
- Tongoloa zhongdianensis n. 中甸东俄芹
- Artemisia zhongdianensis n. 中甸艾
- Corydalis zhongdianensis n. 中甸黄堇
- Poa zhongdianensis n. 中甸早熟禾
- Nondenticentrus zhongdianensis n. 中甸无齿角蝉
- Nivisacris zhongdianensis n. 中甸雪蝗
- Dactylella zhongdianensis n. 中甸隔指孢
- Deutzia albida n. 白溲疏
- Deutzia aspera n. 马桑溲疏
- Deutzia calycosa n. 大萼溲疏