- Defense Credit Union Council 国防部信脊联合理事会
- World Council of Credit Unions, Inc. 世界信用合作社理事会。
- IS Cooperation the Only Way to Reform of Rural Credit Union? 合作制:农村信用社改革的惟一出路?
- He is ready to subscribe to at least one share of the Credit Union. 愿意认购社股至少一股,并缴纳入社费者。
- Leading by example, he chaired the HKUST Students' Union Council in 1998-99. 他本人以身作则,在1998-99期间,担任香港科技大学学生会评议会主席。
- Our credit union is well-known for its trustworthiness. 本信用社,信用昭著。
- Central Florida Educators Federal Credit Union、U.S.Bank N.A. 和CUC Mortgage Corp.;已经同意加入该计划。
- COM.AU]Goulburn Murray Credit Union Cooperative Ltd. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [GMCU.
- Frequently, the cheapest place to borrow money in the US is a credit union. 一般地说,在美国借钱,利息最低的地方是信贷会。
- I will not provide a brief statement for use in the election of Union Council members of The Open University of Hong Kong Students' Union. 本人不拟提供参选政纲,以供香港公开大学学生会评议会干事选举之用。
- Assist credit unions in making their own bylaws. 一辅导储蓄互助社订定章程。
- Besides the magistrate himself,the people attending are the representatives of the county peasant association,trade union council,merchant association,women's association,school staff association,student association and Kuomintang headquarters. 出席的人,县长以外,为县农民协会、县总工会、县商民协会、县女界联合会、县教职员联合会、县学生联合会以及国民党县党部的代表们。
- It is not possible to borrow any money from a credit union you belong to the association and have some money on deposit with the group. 你不可能从信贷会借到钱,除非你属于该团体,并在那儿有存款。
- The foreign judgments are recognized and enforced according to the Code on Execution of Judgments, the concerned regulations made by European Union Council and the Lugano Convention as well as the Hague Conventions concerned. 外国判决的执行依《判决执行法》、盟理事会的有关规则和《卢迦诺公约》及其参加的有关海牙公约的规定进行。
- Savings are protected up to a limit if a federally guaranteed bank, savings association or credit union ever fails. 如果联邦银行;或是信用社倒闭的话;贮蓄有一定的保护额度.
- Protesters from the World Wide Fund For Nature dressed as chefs for a demonstration outside the European Union Council where EU fisheries ministers discussed fishing quotas in Brussels. 比利时布鲁塞尔。楼内,欧盟理事会欧盟渔业部长们在讨论捕捞配额的问题;楼外,来自世界自然基金会的抗议者们打扮成厨师的样子,集会示威。
- All cheques shall be signed on behalf of the credit union by the President or Vice-President and Treasurer. 凡支票须由司库或司库助理人及社长或副社长联合签署。
- These organizations are still the organizations of the European Economic Community ? they mainly include? European parliament? European Commission? European Union council ? European Court of Justice? Europe audits institute. 目前欧洲联盟运行的机构还主要沿用欧洲共同体的机构,主要有:欧洲议会、欧盟委员会、部长理事会、欧洲法院、欧洲审计院。
- In Australia, people keep their money in a bank, building society or credit union. 在澳大利亚,人们通常把钱存在银行、建屋协助会或储蓄互助社。
- Besides the magistrate himself, the people attending are the representatives of the county peasant association, trade union council, merchant association, women's association, school staff association, student association and Kuomintang headquarters. 出席的人,县长以外,为县农民协会、县总工会、县商民协会、县女界联合会、县教职员联合会、县学生联合会以及国民党县党部的代表们。