- Dajin Temple and Baili Village 大白金利事件
- Now the temple and the sanctuary had double doors. 23殿和至圣所的门各有两扇。
- The Jade Buddha Temple and the Yuyuan Garden. 玉佛寺和豫园。
- Every Saturday, they go to temple and worship. 每周六他们都去教堂做礼拜。
- Jane is befriended by a Miss Temple and learns her lessons rapidly. 简得到了一位名叫坦普尔小姐的友善帮助,功课学得很快。
- The sad and roily mum run to every temple and ask for more juju. 伤心又焦急的妈跑遍了各大庙,求了更多符。
- Go to the temple and pray -- silently so your wife cannot hear. 到寺庙里祈祷--静静地祈祷,因此你的妻子听不到。
- Hall view of this Hindo temple and two Hindo prayer. 正在祈祷的教徒,,印度庙大堂全景。。
- Here there are the famed Buddhist Huashou Temple and Mingyue Temple. 这里有著名的华首寺、明月寺。
- Castles and palaces, temples and docks. 城堡宫殿庙宇码头。
- Temples and statues decay (rot), but books survive. 对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关重要的。
- Thailand is famous for its temples and shrines. 泰国以其寺院、殿堂闻名。
- Temples and statures decay, but books survive. 寺庙会倒坍;神像会朽烂;而书却经久长存.
- Castle and palaces, temples and docks. 城堡、宫殿、庙和船坞。
- It descended trembling from their temples and ribs. 微微颤抖著从额角和肋骨往下移。
- Temples and statuses decay, but books survive. 寺庙和雕像会被腐蚀破坏,但书却永远存在。
- The party will board buses at the temple and proceed to the hotel for lunch. 旅游团将在寺院前上汽车,然后前往饭店用午餐。
- The four societies are gray's inn,lincoln's inn,inner temple and middle temple. 这四大学院为:格雷律师学院、林肯律师学院、内殿律师学院和中殿律师学院。
- Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life. 你们去站在殿里,把这生命的话,都讲给百姓听。
- Then they carried the ark into Dagon's temple and set it beside Dagon. 非利士人将上帝的约柜抬进大衮庙,放在大衮的旁边。