- DNA连接酶同工酶的研究进展 Recent Advances in DNA Ligase Isozymes
- 一种嗜热耐酸古细菌JP2菌株编码的热稳定DNA连接酶的生物化学及酶学特性研究(英文) Biochemical and Enzymatic Characterization of a Thermostable DNA Ligase Encoded by Thermophilic Acidophilic Archaebacterium Strain JP2
- 泛素连接酶 ubiquitin ligase, ubiquitinligating enzyme
- 酶的 enzymatic
- 辅酶A连接酶 CoA ligase
- 辅酶 coenzyme
- 酶解 zymohydrolysis
- 连接DNA linker DNA
- 过氧化氢酶 catalase
- 纤维素酶 cellulase
- 泛素连接酶E3 Ubiquitin ligase E3
- DNA酶 deoxyribonuclease; DNase
- 碳氮连接酶类 Carbon-nitrogen ligases
- DNA酶Ⅰ deoxyribonuclease Ⅰ(DNase Ⅰ)
- DNA酶Ⅱ DNase II
- E3泛素连接酶 E3 ligase
- 胰DNA酶Ⅱ Pancreatic DNase II
- dna聚合酶 dna polymerase
- 连接酶合成产物的瞬时速度与细胞中可利用的ATP含量成比例。 The degree of bond formation by ligases is proportional to the amount of ATP available in the cell at a particular instant.
- DNA促旋酶 DNA gyrase