- Make sure that the dc ammeter indication increases approximately 5 amperes. 确保直流电流表指示升高大约5安培。
- Model J0407 DC Ammeter is suitable for students to measure the current in a DC ciruit in laboratory. J0407型直流电流表供学校学生在实验中测量直流电路中的电流用。
- Make sure that the dc ammeter indication decreases approximately 5 amperes (returns to its original value). 确保直流电流表指示降低大约5安培(回到初始值)。
- DC Ammeter J0407 is suitable for the Laboratories of middle schools and polytechnic schools to measurecurrent intensity in DC circuit. J0407型直流电流表适用于中学、中专等实验室测量直流电路中的电流强度。
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- light spot DC ammeter 光标式直流电流表
- DC ammeter with shunt 带分流器的直流电流表
- portable DC ammeter 便携式直流电流表
- DC ammeter 直流安培表
- He was very attentive to the ammeter. 他十分经心在意地望着电流计。
- Built-in isolating explosion button and ammeter. 内装隔爆型按钮和增安型电流表。
- The measuring range ammeter can be made by user`s. 电流表量程由用户指定。
- I acknowledged that it might well NOT be DC or NY. 我知道那些地方不一定是纽约市或华盛顿特区。
- Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. 桔梗
- Ligularia macrophylla(Ledeb.)DC. 大叶橐吾
- Torricellia tiliifolia(Wall.)DC. 鞘柄木
- Bupleurum marginatum Wall.ex DC. 竹叶柴胡,膜缘柴胡
- Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.var.opaca A. DC. 暗色土茯苓
- Desmodium microphyllum (Thunb.) DC. 小叶三点金草
- Oxytropis myriophylla (Pall.)DC. 狐尾藻辣豆