- Cynopterus sphinx angulatus 犬蝠
- Diet and Roost Site of Cynopterus sphinx in Winter in Haikou 海口地区犬蝠冬季食性及栖宿地类型
- Fruit consumption and seed dispersal of wild banana Musa acuminata by short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx 犬蝠对小果野芭蕉的取食及种子传播
- Keywords seed dispersal;Rousettus leschenaulti;Cynopterus sphinx;diet;Musa acuminata;Morus macroura;Syzygium oblatum;fig;radio-tracking;home range;olfaction;odor;Xishuangbanna; 种子传播;棕果蝠;犬蝠;食性;小果野芭蕉;光叶桑;高檐蒲桃;榕树;无线电跟踪;活动区;嗅觉;气味;西双版纳;
- Cynopterus sphinx n. 犬蝠
- Women as a sex Sphinx without secrets . 作为性对象的女人,等于没有秘密之谜的狮身女怪。
- R. macilentus Camb. var. angulatus Delav. 棱枝细瘦悬钩子(R .;macilentusCamb
- I've always found her rather sphinx like. 我总觉得她像个谜一样;难以捉摸.
- What a strange post looks like a sphinx in Egypt. 一个前所未有的姿态看上去就像埃及的斯芬克斯。
- The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby. 雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近。
- I heard the Sphinx, but I did not understand. 我听到了斯蒂芬斯的话,却不懂得。
- Women as a sex sphinx without secrets. 作为性对象的女人,等于没有秘密之谜的狮身女怪。
- The sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet high. 狮身人面象是240英尺长和66英尺高。
- What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? 是什麽让凤凰成为第七奇景?
- It's as vexing as the riddle of the Sphinx. 这个问题和司芬克思谜一样令人费解。
- A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill. 一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯,呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着。
- Web site contains links to Sphinx and other projects. Web站点包含Sphinx和其他项目的链接。
- I made enough sand bags to fill the Sphinx! That抯 enough. 我需要足够的沙袋来填满这斯芬克司!足够了。
- The Sphinx embodies the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh. 狮身人面有狮子的身体和法老的头。
- The Sphinx is a must for most foreign visitors to Egypt. 大多数外国游客在埃及必看的景点就是人面狮身像。