- Cyclotella pseudostelligera n. 假具星小环藻
- The dominant genera and species are Merismopedia elegans, Cyclotella sp, Melosira granulata, Synedra sp, Ankistrodesmus sp, C... 根据上述结果对水质进行了评价,并对二龙山库区的水土保持及可持续性发展进行了探讨。
- The genera and species of diatoms in the samples from Tianyang and Jiudouyang vary with increasing buried depth from Melosira to StePhanodiscus, and than to Cyclotella. 九斗洋和田洋钻孔作品中硅藻种属随深度而变化,由直链藻到冠盘藻,直到小环藻。
- Cyclotella sp. 小环藻
- Cyclotella stelligera var. stelligera n. 具星小环藻原变种
- Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuis n. 具星小环藻小型变种
- Cyclotella kützingiana var. kützingiana n. 库津小环藻原变种
- Cyclotella kützingiana var. planetophora n. 库津小环藻粗点变种
- Cyclotella kützingiana var. radiosa n. 库津小环藻辐纹变种
- Cyclotella comta var. paucipunctata n. 扭曲小环藻稀点变种
- Cyclotella comta var. glabriuscula n. 扭曲小环藻连纹变种
- Cyclotella asterocostata xie, var. asterocostata n. 星肋小环藻原变种
- Cyclotella asterocostata var. striata n. 星肋小环藻线纹变种
- Cyclotella striata var. mesoleia n. 条纹小环藻中型变种
- Cyclotella striata var. bipunctata n. 条纹小环藻双斑点变种
- Cyclotella striata var. mucronulata n. 条纹小环藻短刺变种
- Cyclotella meneghiniana var. hankensis n. 梅尼小环藻兴凯变种
- Cyclotella meneghiniana var. meneghinian n. 梅尼小环藻原变种
- Cyclotella operculata var. mesoleia n. 花环小环藻中型变种
- Cyclotella operculata var. operculata n. 花环小环藻原变种