- Cudrania fruticosa n. 柘藤
- Cudrania cochinchinensis Kudo et Masam. 构棘
- Cudrania cochinchinensis(Lour.)Kudo et Masam. 构棘
- Elsholtzia fruticosa (D. Don) Rehd. 鸡骨柴
- Cudrania tricuspidata(Carr.)Bur. 柘树
- Root of Cudrania tricuspidata (Carr.) Bur. 柘树根
- Study on the Germination of Seeds of Wild Flower Potentilla fruticosa L. 野生花卉金露梅种子萌发特性研究。
- The plant community dynamic change of Potentilla fruticosa shrubs under grazing and enclosure were studied. 摘要对放牧和封育条件下金露梅灌丛群落动态变化进行了研究。
- Objective To study the identification of roots of Amorpha fruticosa L.and their confusion roots by UV Spectrometry. 目的研究用紫外光谱法鉴别紫穗槐根与其混淆品。
- Woods make up of lives, living and rosperity. Cudrania trees make forest and Zhe Lin Town is as old as the thousand-year trees. 木,是生命,是生活,是繁华。柘树成林、源远流长的柘林一如千年古树伸展深厚的历史的积淀和文明的光辉。
- The experiments on soil and water conservation of Vetiverazizanioides and Amorpha fruticosa had finished at fixed sites and positions for four years. 通过4年连续的定点、定位试验研究,结果表明:香根草、紫穗槐生物埂保水能力在第3年后达到或超过次生植被的保水能力;
- A shrub (Amorpha fruticosa) of eastern North America, having compound leaves with numerous leaflets and long clusters of purplish flowers. 假木蓝:北美洲东部的(紫穗槐属紫穗槐)灌木,有由许多叶片组成的复合叶和长串的紫花
- Methods The absorbance ratio of 19 roots from Amorpha fruticosa L.and 2 confusion roots were measured by UV spectrometry and used as the evidence of identification. 方法取紫穗槐根19个样品及其2个混淆品,用紫外光谱法测得吸收度比值作为鉴定的依据。
- Dry weight of leaf from sandy soil was highest. [Conclusion] The germination rate of A. fruticosa was highest in sandy soil and its growth in forest soil was biggest. 叶的干重以沙地的最高。[结论]紫穗槐在沙土中的发芽率最高,在森林土中的生长量最大。
- The results showed that the effect of water conservation by using Vetivera zizanioides and Amorpha fruticosa hedge was equal or superior to the effect of sub-vegetation. 香根草生物埂第2年后保水能力超过紫穗槐生物埂,第3年后无土壤侵蚀发生;
- Cudrania tricuspidata Bur. 柘树
- Breynia fruticosa Hook.f. 黑面树
- Breynia fruticosa(L.)Hook.f. 黑面树
- Potentilla fruticosa L. 金露梅
- Amoroha fruticosa L. 紫穗槐