- Coris gaimardi 露沫盔鱼
- Cori : Do I hear some serious snoring here? 该主机不活跃,因此只能得到有限的资料。
- Poi disse ad un altro: E tu, quanto devi? Quello rispose: Cento cori di grano. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, e scrivi: Ottanta. 又问一个说:‘你欠多少?’他说:‘四万公升麦子。’管家说:‘拿你的欠单去,写三万。’
- Cori Morgan, 7, and her sister, Shadia, 3, had left their bedroom for the living room just before the 4:30 a.m. crash, said Cerrisa Moore, whose mother owns the house. 这两个女孩儿分别是现年7岁的科莉·摩根和现年3岁的莎迪娅·摩根,她们是一对亲姐妹。据房东主人的女儿切莉萨·摩尔表示,房子是在凌晨4:30被撞毁的,两个孩子恰好在此前不久从卧室“转移”到了客厅。
- The experiment improved by our lab staff was tested among undergraduates. By deeping the understanding of Cori cycle in students it has a good teaching effect. 该实验在本科生教学实验中试做 ,效果良好 ,有利于加深同学们对 Cori循环的理解。
- In collaboration with the Nobel Laureate Carl Cori he studied the mechanism by which epinephrine regulates the degradation of glycogen to glucose in the liver. 他在研究消化现象时,观察了狗的唾液分泌,即对食物的一种反应特征。
- Theexpression vector for WMV- 2CP gene in Escherichia coli was constructed. By the method of SDS- PAGEanalysis,it showed that the MW of the produced gene expressed in E. cori is equal to that of authentic viralcoat protein. 构建了含WMV-2CP基因的大肠杆菌表达载体,经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,表达出了与天然病毒外壳蛋白分子量相同的蛋白。
- Claire Williams right and Cori Giroux kiss as they wed at the stroke of midnight in South Burlington Vermont on the first day that Vermont's marriage equality law went into effect September 1st 2009. 克莱尔威廉姆斯,权,科里吉鲁吻因为他们在南佛蒙特州伯灵顿午夜第一天佛蒙特州的婚姻平等的法律生效后中风结婚,2009年9月1日。The wedding was officiated by Atty.;婚礼仪式由变得如惊弓之鸟。Beth Robinson left head of the Vermont Freedom to Marry Taskforce
- I figliuoli di Ammon gli diedero quell’anno cento talenti d’argento, diecimila cori di grano e diecimila d’orzo; 那一年,亚扪人就献给他三千四百公斤银子,一千公吨小麦,一千公吨大麦;
- Phalacrocorax gaimardi n. 红腿鸬鹚(鸬鹚科)
- The content of this page is from the CORI port or CORI customs import and export company directory; 本页面内容主要是来自CORI港口或CORI海关的进出口公司目录;
- Bettongia gaimardi n. 盖氏袋鼠
- "There was a big noise, and I was puzzled," Batiste said. "Cori looked around and said the bedroom was all messed up." 巴蒂斯特说:“当时先是出现了一声巨响,然后我就感到一片茫然。科莉走出客厅仔细查看了一番,然后告诉我卧室已经不见了。”
- Montipora gaimardi n. 横错蔷薇珊瑚
- Coris aygula n. 双点盔鱼(隆头鱼科)
- Cori 姓氏
- Cori cycle 柯里氏循环
- Cori ester 柯里酯
- Cori coefficient 可立系数